RxCookbook copied to clipboard
Collection of recipes and snippets helping you create useful Rx code
Create a simple example of a WebSocket server and Client Link solution to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37374934/observable-using-websocket-receiveasync-aborts-and-cancels-early
Create a sample of how to use Rx with Bluetooth
Create an example of how to use Rx with basic/raw sockets.
There is a fair challenge of the guidance on stackoverflow. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34675045/should-subscribeon-and-observeon-only-be-invoked-by-the-final-subscriber/34699242?noredirect=1#comment57305296_34699242 Perhaps showing the work executed on the threads as swimlanes or sequence diagrams might help explain the issue. It...
I see often a request for something like a `Buffer(TimeSpan)`, but they also want to have some other trigger that can invoke a flush of the buffer. It seems that...
James World with Wilka Hudson has produced a CAS implementation of ObserveLatestOn here [http://www.zerobugbuild.com/?p=192]. Add it to the perf tests too
Link from gist [https://gist.github.com/Dorus/92d9d5336eacdea77d8a]
Complete the partially written Model/ObserveLatestOn.md recipe.
Show an example of using Rx over EventStore