Janggun Lee
Janggun Lee
Do you have any questions on this? Or was this mentioned in the lecture, and you are posting this as a follow-up? A more classical example is std's [MutexGuard](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/struct.MutexGuard.html#impl-Send-for-MutexGuard%3C'_,+T%3E).
Ah ok, thanks for the follow up. In terms of the MutexGuard, it has a very good reason for being `!Send`, as you can read from my comment from two...
Note that the ordering of course materials have changed quite a bit, so please check both midterms and finals for problems related to this midterm. Also, we will not be...
Please don't post images. We also ask to fix clippy explicity, as seen on the last line on your image: ``` 'Please fix the issues from `cargo +nightly clippy --...
What are you trying to achieve? Do you want to run the hello_server binary? Then you should run the recommended command in the error message, 'cargo run hello_server --features="build-bin"'. If...
The due date has been extended to 12/19
We updated the hazard pointer homework with more lower-level API and test cases in https://github.com/kaist-cp/cs431/commit/2468576b5520d0c64f7f9d75296634269ccef259. This is a breaking change with more test cases, hence **all previous submissions are nullified**....
Closing as duplicate of #342
A more "official" link: https://riscv.org/technical/specifications/
https://gitlab.mpi-sws.org/iris/examples should work. Before, both the coq context and the proof goals were formatted nicely with good indentations. However, now there are no indentations.