TensorFlow-stocks-prediction-Machine-learning-RealTime copied to clipboard
0_API_alphavantage_get_old_history.py not working since alphavantage API url changed and non of this files are working
0_API_alphavantage_get_old_history.py not working since alphavantage API url changed and non of this files are working. If possible please rebuild this excellent project and upload the new version please. Also install failed with mitmproxy.
when I put print column: the data looks like [' "1. Information": "Intraday (15min) open', ' high', ' low', ' close prices and volume"', 'Unnamed: 4']
but actually code having something different
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "0_API_alphavantage_get_old_history.py", line 107, in
raise KeyError(key)
KeyError: 'Date'
looks easy to fix they are change the way to requests https://www.alphavantage.co/documentation/#intraday
Old system (recenly in the code 08-2023 ) https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY_EXTENDED&symbol=UBER&interval=15min&slice=year2month12&apikey=FXZ0
New system (have to be uptaded I dont have time ) https://www.alphavantage.co/query?function=TIME_SERIES_INTRADAY&symbol=IBM&interval=5min&month=2019-01&outputsize=full&apikey=FXZ0
alphavantage has changed the keywords request &slice=year2month12 for &month=2019-01
Please try to change it , if work , could you share it to updated the code
did all changes but no, this is not working: see this is the api response: meta data tag making issue. 0_API_alphavantage_get_old_history.py this file must be changed based on current meta data . please check your code, commit the new changes.
"Meta Data": { "1. Information": "Intraday (5min) open, high, low, close prices and volume", "2. Symbol": "IBM", "3. Last Refreshed": "2019-01-31 19:15:00", "4. Interval": "5min", "5. Output Size": "Full size", "6. Time Zone": "US/Eastern" }, "Time Series (5min)": { "2019-01-31 19:15:00": { "1. open": "103.2400", "2. high": "103.3990", "3. low": "102.9970", "4. close": "103.1370", "5. volume": "320" }, "201
when I print the clumn names: its showing like this :
[' "1. Information": "Intraday (15min) open', ' high', ' low', ' close prices and volume"', 'Unnamed: 4']
but in the code : column names not matched with waht data received from alphavantage df_S_all = df_S_all.rename(columns={'time': 'Date', 'open': 'Open','high': 'High', 'close': 'Close','low': 'Low', 'volume': 'Volume'}) df_S_all = df_S_all.sort_values(['Date'], ascending=True)
better can you please build the project code and see the error in your local machine.
when I print the clumn names: its showing like this :
[' "1. Information": "Intraday (15min) open', ' high', ' low', ' close prices and volume"', 'Unnamed: 4']
likely your are reciving a dict, you have to look inside the dict to only get Open, close..... data
Yes thats correct , trying to take time series data contained those but its not taking out: below is the yellow marked we need to process it.
tried with multiple way but its not working, Can you please able to update code base. also can you please provide your contact email address, so that I can show you how to progress this.
If I may, could you make the change?
It's easy, 1º change the type of query , (explained in previous answers ) 2º process and modify the data for a correct visualisation with pandas. 3º save them in a .csv following the format of the previous one. 4º [if you want to ] pass me the solution to update the source code
excuse me, if you are stuck with this, I don't think you have much progress, you can write me to the telegram group of the documentation.
solved in the last version of https://github.com/Leci37/stocks-prediction-Machine-learning-RealTime-TensorFlow/blob/master/0_API_alphavantage_get_old_history.py
but is better use alapaca o yahoo to get the full data
You can use alpaca API by https://github.com/Leci37/stocks-prediction-Machine-learning-RealTime-TensorFlow/blob/master/0_API_alpaca_historical.py