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Unable to use the query builder in the webapp - data is not loading
What version were you using?
Open Source, v7.0.0, release ll-20210301-594ef496d8a9411340404301a55cf95de0079a6d
What steps can we follow to reproduce the behaviour?
- Log in to the web interface
- Choose an Organisation
- Go to Data -> Source in the main left menu
- Try to explore the statements by building a query
What is the actual behaviour?
the fields don't display a list of stored data from the database, like so : https://ibb.co/k5jS7yw
What is the expected behavior?
The queryfieds should load an actual list of the data, like this (example taken from version 6.03) : https://ibb.co/R0hrR8H
Is there any additional information that will help us replicate/understand the problem?
The server is located at a private domain and runs CentOS 7.
SELinux is enabled and configured.
we've followed the LearningLocker installation guide.
mongo is installed and configured following the guide at https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
Same problem here. I've checked multiple instances and can add that the query builder is working on Learning Locker v.7.0.0 release ll-20200826-bec94daa7bd602a4752ca570db03b13e9c02d037 but not ll-20210303-594ef496d8a9411340404301a55cf95de0079a6d
The Server response from the older release is
while the response from the newer release does not contain any information for the GUI to display
It seems to be not just the query-builder.
The axes-selection for visualizations also does not display any extensions:
My guess would be that all types of filter use the same functions and the problem lies somewhere within those. But it might also be a seperate or even local issue, so if anyone could confirm the behaviour itself (no extensions selectable for visualisations in LL release 594ef496d8a9411340404301a55cf95de0079a6d), it would already be much appreciated.
The same problem here (Learning Locker v2, open source):
- list of possible suggestions in query fields does not show up
- when creating a visualization, charts are visible but cannot be filtered because there are no suggestions in the query fields.
The only thing that I was able to filter was the Who field after adding a specific person from the statements in the People section of LL.
WE SOLVED IT! For whatever reason the workers responsible for creating filters/personas/etc. are simply not running. But they can be restarted by following the documentation (https://docs.learninglocker.net/guides-cli/ to be precise) and running
node cli/dist/server batchJobs or node cli/dist/server batchJobs -j personas etc.
That should get everything working again.
Good news @PhilippJKoch !
Just a question, does this batchJobs command need to be run just once (e.g. after the server is restarted), or does it need to be run regularly via a cronjob (e.g. after new statements have been inserted) ?
So far, we had to run it once for every worker we needed to reactivate (e.g. once for "querybuildercache" and once for "personas"), but they seem to be running since. Cant't be 100% sure though, because we don't know exactly if any "new" verbs (for example) were introduced since we manually set off the qerybuildercache worker. Will keep an eye on it.