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Python Client to LeakIX API

LeakIX python client

Official LeakIX python client


pip install leakix

To run tests, use poetry run pytest.


Docstrings are used to document the library. Types are also used to inform the user on what type of objects the functions are expecting.

Each API response is encoded in either a SuccessResponse object or a ErrorResponse. The methods is_success() or is_error() exist on each API response. You can get the actual response by using the method json() on the response object.

The output are events described in l9format. When you have an object of type l9Event (or the longer l9format.l9format.L9Event), you can refer to L9Event model class for the available fields.

For instance, to access the IP of an object event of type L9Event, you can use event.ip.

Each object can be transformed back into a Python dictionary/JSON using the method to_dict(). For instance, for the response of the subdomains endpoint, you can get back individual JSON by using:

def example_get_subdomains():
    response = CLIENT.get_subdomains("leakix.net")
    for subdomain in response.json():


Feel free to open an issue if you have any question. You can also contact us on [email protected].

If you need commercial support, have a look at https://leakix.net/plans.


import decouple
from leakix import Client
from leakix.query import MustQuery, MustNotQuery, RawQuery
from leakix.field import PluginField, CountryField, TimeField, Operator
from leakix.plugin import Plugin
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

API_KEY = decouple.config("API_KEY")
BASE_URL = decouple.config("LEAKIX_HOST", default=None)
CLIENT = Client(api_key=API_KEY)

def example_get_host_filter_plugin():
    response = CLIENT.get_host(ipv4="")
    assert response.status_code() == 200

def example_get_service_filter_plugin():
    Filter by fields. In this example, we want to have the NTLM services.
    A list of plugins can be found in leakix.plugin
    query_http_ntlm = MustQuery(field=PluginField(Plugin.HttpNTLM))
    response = CLIENT.get_service(queries=[query_http_ntlm])
    assert response.status_code() == 200
    # check we only get NTML related services
    assert all((i.tags == ["ntlm"] for i in response.json()))

def example_get_service_filter_plugin_with_pagination():
    Filter by fields. In this example, we want to have the NTLM services.
    A list of plugins can be found in leakix.plugin.
    Ask for page 1 (starts at 0)
    query_http_ntlm = MustQuery(field=PluginField(Plugin.HttpNTLM))
    response = CLIENT.get_service(queries=[query_http_ntlm], page=1)
    assert response.status_code() == 200
    # check we only get NTML related services
    assert all((i.tags == ["ntlm"] for i in response.json()))

def example_get_leaks_filter_multiple_plugins():
    query_http_ntlm = MustQuery(field=PluginField(Plugin.HttpNTLM))
    query_country = MustQuery(field=CountryField("France"))
    response = CLIENT.get_leak(queries=[query_http_ntlm, query_country])
    assert response.status_code() == 200
    assert all(
            i.geoip.country_name == "France" and i.tags == ["ntlm"]
            for i in response.json()

def example_get_leaks_multiple_filter_plugins_must_not():
    query_http_ntlm = MustQuery(field=PluginField(Plugin.HttpNTLM))
    query_country = MustNotQuery(field=CountryField("France"))
    response = CLIENT.get_leak(queries=[query_http_ntlm, query_country])
    assert response.status_code() == 200
    assert all(
            i.geoip.country_name != "France" and i.tags == ["ntlm"]
            for i in response.json()

def example_get_leak_raw_query():
    raw_query = '+plugin:HttpNTLM +country:"France"'
    query = RawQuery(raw_query)
    response = CLIENT.get_leak(queries=[query])
    assert response.status_code() == 200
    assert all(
            i.geoip.country_name == "France" and i.tags == ["ntlm"]
            for i in response.json()

def example_get_leak_plugins_with_time():
    query_plugin = MustQuery(field=PluginField(Plugin.GitConfigHttpPlugin))
    today = datetime.now()
    one_month_ago = today - timedelta(days=30)
    query_today = MustQuery(field=TimeField(today, Operator.StrictlySmaller))
    query_yesterday = MustQuery(
        field=TimeField(one_month_ago, Operator.StrictlyGreater)
    queries = [query_today, query_yesterday, query_plugin]
    response = CLIENT.get_leak(queries=queries)
    assert response.status_code() == 200

def example_get_plugins():
    response = CLIENT.get_plugins()
    for p in response.json():

if __name__ == "__main__":