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Feature request: Add option/feature for small clusters (5 or fewer) to be expanded
It would be great to add an option/feature for small clusters (such as 5 or fewer) to be expanded/spiderfied. The idea is that after you zoom and the points regroup, clusters with <=5 children "spiderfy".
I'd like to do this as my points have conditional symbology, and I'd like to show a selection of what's in each cluster for the small clusters.
This is similar to Issue 923 and to Issue 744, only rather than it being zoom dependent, it would be based on the number of children in the cluster, for any zoom level.
Here is the data/map I am working with: https://pages.uoregon.edu/jmerson/DEV/NSRCClusterMap/NSRCmarkercluster_spiderfy.html
Ideally, all of the clusters of <=5 would be open for any zoom level.
- Leaflet version I'm using: 1.0.3
- Leaflet.MarkerCluster version I'm using: Leaflet.markercluster 1.4.1+master.94f9815,
I'd be happy to give this a go, if you have any suggestions for how to attack it.
Related to https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/issues/744