Leaflet.Editable copied to clipboard
Hi! What about L.CircleMarker?
I got L.CircleMaker to work by adding these lines of code to Leaflet.Editable.js if (L.CircleMarker) { L.CircleMarker.include(EditableMixin); L.CircleMarker.include(MarkerMixin); L.CircleMarker.addInitHook(keepEditable); }
Then set markerClass to L.CircleMarker in your map's editOptions. i.e. map = L.map('map', {editable: true, editOptions: {markerClass: L.CircleMarker}});
e cemorris !
Can you be more explicit ?
My goal is to use Leaflet.Editable.js with icons like
in use there:
Can you tell me if you think this possible ?
@mdj1 to do the same as the example you gave (in terms of the map), you just need to change the styling on the draggable markers. The example has an editable polyline in it. The thing that is does do differently from this plugin is create a temporary polyline for previewing the changes when you are dragging a polyline point to increase the performance (as you are not changing the original polyline)