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How I Cracked my Dream Company GOOGLE

For rest of the topics I reffered my DSA Sheet Questions

These are some selected questions apart from my DSA Sheet that I solved to prepare for my Google interviews

  • Graphs
      1. Representation
        1. List.cpp
        1. Matrix.cpp
      1. BFS
        1. Boredom.cpp
        1. WordLadder2.cpp
        1. MultiSourceBFS.cpp
        1. ValidBFS.cpp
      1. DFS
        1. JourneyToTheMoon.cpp
        1. DFSwithStoppingCondition.cpp
        1. ConnectedComponents.cpp
        1. ReconstructItinerary.cpp
      1. CycleDetection
        1. DetectCycleUnirectedGraph.cpp
        1. DetectCycleDirectedGraph.cpp
        1. IsBipartite.cpp
        1. LengthOfSmallestCycle.cpp
        1. DetectCyclesin2DGrid.cpp
        1. Maximum Employees to Be Invited to a Meeting.cpp
      1. Topological Sort
        1. TopologicalBFS.cpp
        1. TopologicalDFS.cpp
        1. GameRoutes.cpp
        1. LargestColorValueInADirectedGraph.cpp
      1. MST
        1. Kruskals.cpp
        1. Prims.cpp
      1. DSU
        1. DSUSnippetClass.cpp
        1. Redundant Connection II.cpp
      1. Shortest Paths Algo
        1. Dijkstras.cpp
        1. BellmanFord.cpp
        1. FLoydWarshall.cpp
      1. StronglyConnected
        1. Kosarju.cpp
      1. Articulation Point and Bridges
        1. CutEdges.cpp
        1. CutVertex.cpp
    • Readme.md
  • Dynamic Programming
      1. Barcode.cpp
      1. CherryPick.cpp
      1. Digit DP-MagicNumbers.cpp
    • Readme.md
  • SegmentTree
      1. SegmentTreeSnippetClass.cpp
      1. Xenia.cpp
    • Readme.md
  • Rolling hash
      1. Rabin_carp.cpp
  • Rest of the Topic
    • Readme.md
  • README.md

BONUS ;) Learn from me