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The popular CSS3 patterns gallery, now on Github :)

Results 25 css3patterns issues
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Just wanted to leave a note that I used your library to create a [web component](https://github.com/jwillmer/pattern-component)

Just a big thank you for you guys sharing your work for free. Ced. Webdesigner.

This is my CSS Gradient Pattern called "Purple Fiesta". Please review it and add it to your gradient patterns collection if you feel it meets the criteria. Please let me...

Layered rainbow gradients w/ a little bit of overlap. Demo: [https://codepen.io/TheCSSKing/full/KjLVoL](https://codepen.io/TheCSSKing/full/KjLVoL)

It seems your page is having trouble loading javascript dependencies. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2185680/46762618-d8ac3700-ccd7-11e8-9f67-d8acbede45f2.png)

now UI is perfect. nice work

Just so other people are aware. Nothing really serious. bytesizematters fails and causes the site to load after it timed out. ``` GET http://bytesizematters.com/bytesize.js net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED ``` http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/bytesizematters.com This isn't big...

i just found this and it is really cool hope i can get patterns or textures like leather , or metalic done this same way can anyone help

live preview of pattern at: https://preview.c9users.io/kartikadur/cold-pressed/index.html