cakephp-monga copied to clipboard
A CakePHP 3.x plugin for accessing MongoDB NoSQL data stores
After bootstrap & app.php configuration, i tried below code $mongoAdapter = ConnectionManager::get('mongo_db'); $mongodb = $mongoAdapter->connect(); It says Exception: Class 'MongoClient' not found in [/mnt/d/www/html/cronRevamp/vendor/league/monga/src/League/Monga/Connection.php, line 54] Cakephp : 3.5.12 Mongod...
However: ```php 'Datasources' => [ 'mongo_db' => [ 'className' => 'CakeMonga\Database\MongoConnection', 'dns' => env('MONGODB_URL', 'mongodb://localhost:27017/app') ], 'default' => [ 'className' => 'Cake\Database\Connection', 'driver' => 'Cake\Database\Driver\Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' =>...
Is this project still active ?
Error: Call to undefined method DebugKit\Database\Log\DebugLog::getContext() File D:\xampp5.6\htdocs\mutation\emutation\lisf\mutation\vendor\lewestopher\cakephp-monga\src\Database\MongoConnection.php Line: 296
Hello, I'm getting a Fatal error: Class 'App\Model\MongoCollection\UsersCollection' not found in ..cake3test/vendor/lewestopher/cakephp-monga/src/MongoCollection/CollectionRegistry.php on line 85 i've changed the Namespace to test as CollectionRegistry::setNamespace('App\\Model\\AlternativeCollectionLocation\\'); and i got the same error