I've installed the ZBOSS sniffer firmware (for history: ) and I can see the Beacon Request (x2) when I try to add my device (long press, 3 long flash,...
Hi, Quick update. My issue is solved (months ago) but I don't know how or why. One day after an another reset/rebuild/reflash/etc. of the node-red/CC2531, my devices can be added...
What about that video ? Same guys talk here :
@jpbarraca Hi, for me, with the Xiaomi Non-Aqara Temp and Hum sensor, I can see the device, but when ZS request endpoint (1, 2 and 3) I receive a timeout...
For me, a thing to do is to delay the "ZDO:simpleDescReq" after a "ZDO:activeEpRsp". Seem like the sensor doesn't like to be "flooded" by simpleDescReq and only answer to the...
Confirm working with Non-Aquara Temp and Humidity sensor. A really big THANKS!
@jackchased Yes the WSDCGQ01LM. AndrewLinden's version works out of the box.
Work with Aqara Temp/Humidity/Pressure sensor WSDCGQ11LM
Share your steam profile page.
Probably related to #108