REmap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
REmap copied to clipboard

`Error in if (markLineLogi & markPointLogi & !geoDataLogi) { : the condition has length > 1`

Open englianhu opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

## Plot the REmap shining 
+导航图 <- remapC(随机国号, maptype = 'world', 
               color = c('black', 'black'),
               theme = get_theme(backgroundColor = 'black'), 
               title = '量化圈', subtitle = '金融计量经济学', 
               markPointData = 诸城镇, markLineData = 导航线, 
               geoData = 经纬度)
+knitrREmap(导航图, local = FALSE)
-Error in if (markLineLogi & markPointLogi & !geoDataLogi) { : 
-  the condition has length > 1

部署夜光导航图时,出现以上错误信息,请瞧一瞧~ 读取从maps::world.cities程序包翻译并储存中文地名文件

## 读取从maps::world.cities程序包翻译并储存中文地名文件
经纬度 <- read_csv('data/地图数据.csv', show_col_types = FALSE)

诸国 <- 经纬度$国家 |> 

## 随即设置区域号
随机国号 <- data.frame(
  国家 = 诸国, 
  国号 = 5 * sample(length(诸国)) + 200)

## 城镇矢量
诸城镇 <- 经纬度$城镇

## 城镇经纬度
经纬度 <- 经纬度 |> 
  dplyr::select(经度, 纬度, 城镇)

## 描画彩色霓虹导航线
夜光导航线 <- data.frame(
  出发点 = rep('郑州市', (nrow(经纬度) - 1)), 
  抵达点 = 经纬度$城镇[!经纬度$城镇 %in% '郑州市'])
## Plot the REmap shining 
导航图 <- remapC(随机国号, maptype = 'world', 
               color = c('black', 'black'),
               theme = get_theme(backgroundColor = 'black'), 
               title = '量化圈', subtitle = '金融计量经济学', 
               markPointData = 诸城镇, markLineData = 夜光导航线, 
               geoData = 经纬度)
knitrREmap(导航图, local = FALSE)

englianhu avatar Jun 06 '22 07:06 englianhu

I also met this problem when I want to plot the longitude and latitude of many points in a city. Could the function plot only in one city? I found most of the examples about REMap plot multiple cities location.

chameleonzz avatar Mar 24 '23 08:03 chameleonzz