Eugene Lazin
Eugene Lazin
OK, I'll take a look
`` depend on apr library and doesn't load it explicitly so the executable that loads it should load both. ```bash export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/apr-util-1/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/" ```
I think that apr-util-dbd loads apr_dbd_sqlite3 dynamically using the dlopen call. Maybe I can add apr_dbd_sqlite3 as an implicit dependency, let me try.
I added workaround for this. Not sure that it will work though.
The already links this two libraries so everything should work without LD_PRELOAD.
Thanks for reporting this, I'll take a closer look.
I'll take a look. Might be system cache behavior. It might prefetch part of the data volume into memory. BTW, what query are you using in Grafana?
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