Upwork-job-checker copied to clipboard
Get notified when new job is available at upwork.com
Get notified when new job posting is available at upwork.com
Upwork-job-checker is automation software that goes on freelance site upwork.com and fetches latest jobs defined by keyword specified, so you don't have to manually check every five minutes if there's new offerings on the site. Option to send sms message to your phone when there's update and option to open job url in a browser(as shown in screenshot).
For proper use you will need to enter following in information.py file: valid username, password, search word(python, ruby...), and path to the exact location where Upwork-job-checker folder is.
This is intended to be integrated with cron job so you will need to open terminal emulator and type:
crontab -e
Once inside scheduler type:
*/5 * * * * DISPLAY=:0 /usr/bin/python /path/to/the/Upwork-job-checker/main.py
@reboot sleep 30 && python /path/to/the/Upwork-job-checker/update_json.py > /path/to/the/Upwork-job-checker/file.log 2>&1
The first command will be executed every 5 minutes to see if there's new job postings. Second command is intended for updating json file where job listings are located, and storing output on log file.
To stop running simply type:
crontab -e
And put comment sign(#) in front of previously mentioned commands, or remove them completly.
Upwork-job-checker is using pynotify to display notifications, pygame to play notification sound, Beautiful Soup for scraping, mechanize for emulating browser, twilio for sending sms message.
Installation and Running
git clone https://github.com/Lazar-T/Upwork-job-checker
Proper running is explained in Usage part.