Typography copied to clipboard
Differences in the MSDF generation results...
I've encountered some differences in the generation of MSDF bitmaps between this Typography library, and the original C++ MSDFGen implementation from which it is adapted.
With certain fonts (hand made ones, using FontForge) - certain glyphs are producing different MSDF maps - but it is only certain glyphs... the majority appear to be OK.
For example...
LayoutFarm - MSDFGen -
Look pretty much equivalent (apart from the page size, but that's fine)
However, the same code generating glyph:
LayoutFarm - MSDFGen -
Any idea what could be going on?
Font --- shardailes.zip
Are the (A) and (B) generated from the same version of Typography Lib?
LayoutFarm - MSDFGen -
LayoutFarm - MSDFGen -
It is about how to set color component order RGBA VS BGRA (Windows Gdi+ color and OpenGL color compo)
please send the font ( shardailes.zip) to my email again. I can't download from that link.
Sent. Thank you for looking at it.
Yes, the A & B are both generated from the same Typo lib.
I generate a batch of characters (32-254) using the Typo lib - most of which come out almost identical (as far as the eye can tell) to MSDFGen -- but there are some odd ones (in this case, A + X) that are completely different.
I also have issues with some punctuation, and odd artifacts in some glyphs...
As far as I can tell, stock windows fonts are fine -- this just may be something to do with the way in which we author our fonts for processing.
Thank you
@hexland , which version of your native msdf exe / what is your command line parameters
these are my results from native msdf exe
(I have a problem about upload (drag-drop) result imgs to the GitHub)
ping @hexland