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+25 icons
Added 25 icons and created links to them.
Icons addition information
BAIKOH: Words (org.duckdodo.baikoh/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity
Bubei Danci (
BUFF (com.netease.buff/com.netease.buff.entry.SplashActivity
Dongqiudi (
Douyu (
Eudic (com.qianyan.eudic/com.eusoft.dict.activity.SplashActivity
Exponential Idle (com.conicgames.exponentialidle/crc64327945add1aba81c.MainActivity
Jingchanchanzhizhan (com.tencent.jkchess/com.tencent.gcloud.msdk.core.policy.ZGamePolicyActivity
KOOK (cn.kaiheila/cn.kaiheila.ui.main.SplashActivity
LuckyTool (com.luckyzyx.luckytool/com.luckyzyx.luckytool.Hide
MahjongSoul (com.soulgamechst.majsoul/com.soulgamechst.mahjongsoulsdk.MainActivity
Migu Video (com.cmcc.cmvideo/com.cmcc.cmvideo.splash.SplashActivity
Newegg (
Perfect World Esports (com.pwrd.steam.esports/com.pwrd.steam.esports.ui.activity.launcher.LauncherActivity
PerfectOne Iconpack (com.nurke.perfectone/cn.ommiao.iconpacktemplate.MainActivity
PPIICC (bos.consoar.imagestitch/bos.consoar.imagestitch.ui.MainActivity
Pythagorea (com.hil_hk.pythagorea/com.hil_hk.pythagorea.activities.MainActivity
RateX (com.despdev.currencyconverter/com.despdev.currencyconverter.activities.ActivityMain
Shamiko (com.fei_ke.shamiko/com.fei_ke.shamiko.MainActivity
) (
xCurrency (com.tratao.xcurrency/com.tratao.home_page.feature.HomePageActivity
Yangshipin (
Yiciyuan Manhua (com.wsw.cospa/com.wsw.cospa.SplashActivity
Yijia Quanneng Hezi (com.daxiaamu.op7mutools/
Yuetongxing (com.wwwscn.yuexingbao/com.wwwscn.yuexingbao.ui.login.CSJSplashActivity
Contributor's checklist
- [x] I made the icons following the Lawnicons Guidelines (upd. Jan 2024) and will make changes if someone suggests. I will also make sure that Lawnicons builds correctly.
Hey! 1 out of 25 icons were done correctly, so I can only quote the guidelines.
The canvas is 192×192px. The content area for most icons are 160×160px, but 154×154px for the squares. No fill, the stroke width is 12px. All shapes should be black #000 with rounded ends and joins. Round 90° angles by 6-32px. Maintain visual balance. Simplify details, but don't lose recognizability. Provide original and localized names, so the icons can be found.
Thanks for your interest in contributing! Unfortunately, we have marked this PR as stale because it has been open for 1 month with no activity. Please apply the suggested changes if there are any, and comment something related to your PR. If you don't take any action for 2 weeks, the PR will be closed.
As stated in my previous comment, this PR was closed because it has been stale for another 2 weeks with no activity. Thanks for your interest in contributing though!