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Video Imagination from a Single Image with Transformation Generation

This repository contains an implementation of Video Imagination from a Single Image with Transformation Generation. The framework can synthesize multiple imaginary video from a single image.

Imaginary Video Example

We randomly pick some imaginary videos synthesized by our framework. The input is a single image from UCF101 dataset, and the output imaginary video contains five frames. The following gif picture is a demo of synthesized imaginary video. The network may bring some delay, please wait a while fro the demonstration.

Imaginary Video


Input image



The framework can be trained on three datasets : moving MNIST, 2D shape, UCF101. No pre-process is needed except normalizing images to be in the range [0, 1]. The videos (or image tuples) needs to be convert to tfrecords at first.


The code requires a TensorFlowr r1.0 installation

To train the framework, after you prepare the tfrecords, run This file will build model and graph, and train the networks.


The code is modified based on A Tensorflow Implementation of DCGAN. The on-the-fly 2D shape dataset generating codes are modified from the author of the dataset.