laverna icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
laverna copied to clipboard

attach a file

Open aakbar5 opened this issue 8 years ago • 26 comments

There should an option to attach a local file to a note.

aakbar5 avatar Jan 13 '16 10:01 aakbar5


valvin1 avatar Jan 13 '16 10:01 valvin1

Do you mean attaching a file without uploading it to browser's storage?

wwwredfish avatar Jan 13 '16 10:01 wwwredfish

Not sure what do you meant by browser's storage? My point is to have an option which allows to attach a file to a note.

aakbar5 avatar Jan 13 '16 11:01 aakbar5

You can attach files to a note by going to the edit/add page, and clicking on Image icon on the buttons panel, or alternatively you can press "Ctrl+G" in the editor.

wwwredfish avatar Jan 13 '16 13:01 wwwredfish

That's option is only for image. What is about PDF, DOC etc?

aakbar5 avatar Jan 13 '16 15:01 aakbar5

I agree. It's the only feature that I found missing. It could be done with two ways.

  1. Link the path of a file from our PC and when we click it it opens the file with the default program.
  2. Make a copy of the original file to the Laverna database. That way who ever uses sync can have the file synced.

StS2 avatar Jan 13 '16 18:01 StS2

It is possible to upload PDF, and other files. It will save the file to Laverna's database, and create a link to it. I guess the icon is a bit misleading...

wwwredfish avatar Jan 14 '16 06:01 wwwredfish

Yes, might be good to change it.

claell avatar Jan 14 '16 08:01 claell

In the Browser the attach a file does work. In the Windows app though it doesn't.

When attaching a file from Windows app it creates a link but Windows recognize it as a "blop" type of link and prompts you to look on the app store for apps that open it. That note with the attached file shows completely empty on the browser version. No titles, no Delete, Edit, nothing. Right side is just white.

Attaching a file from the browser it works correctly when trying to access it from the browser. That note though, in the Windows app is the same as the browser one but the link doesn't work. It doesn't do anything.

StS2 avatar Jan 14 '16 12:01 StS2

i can confirm upload of any file works within the chrome browser (not safari for me) but the file seems to be stored only in the browser storage and is not synced to remoteStorage. Hence the note is kind of broken when accessed from another client.

file upload and sync via remoteStorage would be +1 important to have for me

chriswep avatar Mar 26 '16 10:03 chriswep

I can not get laverna to attach a PDF. It makes a "blob" reference to it, but the file is unable to be opened and it does place the file in Chromium's configuration directory even though I'm not using Chromium but the desktop app (I suspect this is bundled Chromium browser?). If I do this through chromium, chromium's native handler will open the file if I drag and drop it to the dialog requesting the file. That being said, when it makes the blob reference, I am seeing the file being stored in: ~/.conig/chromium/laverna/IndexDB/http_localhost_9100.indexddb.blob/3/00/4

I really wish laverna would migrate away of using Chromium's configuration directory for storage. I love how Laverna uses databases and blobs for such, but storing data in Chromium's storage seems a bit odd noting I chose to use the external editor (granted it may be using Chromium libraries, which may explains why it is doing what it is doing).

hasues avatar Apr 03 '16 19:04 hasues

Using the "Export data" feature also does not export attachments, only the reference but not the file(contents) itself.

wweich avatar Apr 07 '16 19:04 wweich

+1 on this, the super important feature be completely missing turned the whole sync to be useless! Why should I use a sync app that only sync some symlinks?? I constantly doubt why the developers made the decision that the attachments should not be synced.

ttimasdf avatar Apr 19 '16 01:04 ttimasdf

I am faced with the same problem. Desktop app.

metorm avatar May 25 '16 10:05 metorm

I'm using Laverna as an alternative to OneNote. I'm running php-remote-storage on my server for sync and what I'm seeing is that if I attach an image or file from the web client, they show up as broken images/not working links in the Linux desktop client and vice-versa. lavernaissue358

Clicking the link to the file does nothing in the desktop client.

jacobcalvert avatar Jun 18 '16 07:06 jacobcalvert

Please, add the ability to attach pdf and docs and Laverna will become a killer app

caesar70 avatar Jun 29 '16 13:06 caesar70

I think there should be a category in the Settings that lets you create and define storage of different kind. E.g:

Local storage: path to a local dir e.g.: `~/laverna_attachments Remote storage: path and login info for server Cloud service: e.g dropbox

When you open the attach menu you can choose one of your defined storages as a destination. In addition a hashtag #storagename is placed next to the file link.

Edit: Just saw there already is a 'feature request' for it:

feluxe avatar Jul 17 '16 09:07 feluxe

When attaching a locally stored document on Windows 10 (.pdf in this case), I'm getting the "blop" prompt with the latest version of Laverna, so this issues seems to persist.

kroaton avatar Jan 22 '17 18:01 kroaton

I would need image sync too. Seeing the same issue @jacobcalvert reported. Limits the usability for me quite a lot.

th-lange avatar Jan 28 '17 10:01 th-lange

A year has been passed since this big question was raised. Feeling it a good choice to has been migrated back to evernote. I must say that an open source product is so unpredictable, and useless.

ttimasdf avatar Jan 28 '17 19:01 ttimasdf

@ttimasdf It would seem that the original developers are not as active as they once were. It would be great to see some more contributors and/or some extra funding to help move the project along. Clearly there is a lot of users that need a better alternative to Evernote (I don't think I need to point out the issues with it), and this gap in the market has not been filled yet by a stable product. It is impressive how far Laverna has come. Consider the number of platforms that it runs on and the interest from users that it has generated. I think it just needs some help in becoming the best solution. Or maybe a competing alternative can be developed that could attract more maintainers... but that would probably be repeating a lot of work and I don't know of any reason yet to justify starting over.

mattpalermo avatar Jan 30 '17 04:01 mattpalermo

If I open a session in another desktop I can't download the files I attached in a note. I use the synchro with dropbox and eveything else is working.

blablanumerodeux avatar Mar 25 '18 05:03 blablanumerodeux

That's reasonable because it seems laverna only stores the files in bowser cache.

metorm avatar Mar 25 '18 05:03 metorm

I'm using v0.7.51 app on OSX with synchronization enabled. I was able to upload a PDF document using the image icon. It looks like it created a blob but I can't view it inside the app. When I click on it, it shows what I assume is a view of a PDF with no pages inside and I can't get out of that view (have to close and re-open the app for it to go back to note view). Additionally, there doesn't seem to be a way to open the attachment in another app or export/save as just the attachment. On a related note, would removing the link from the document also remove the actual blob from storage?

mostlyhacking avatar Jun 22 '18 18:06 mostlyhacking

@mostlyhacking: the same for me. but png's work!

morem0 avatar Jul 15 '18 07:07 morem0

Hello there, Please report to which explain the state of this project.

Have a nice day/night, Cheers, Nissar

funilrys avatar Aug 08 '18 15:08 funilrys