Laurenz Stampfl
Laurenz Stampfl
Yes, it's fixed in resvg. Keep in mind that you can work around this though by replacing instances of "context-fill" and "context-stroke" with the color you want in the SVG.
I tried debugging this, and I think the reason is that similarly to #9, the transformation of a group doesn't seem to apply to masks. Here is a minimal example...
Probably a font issue. I get the same result with `harfbuzz`: `hb-view Prida01_otf.otf --features init "Hello World"` `hb-view Prida01_ttf.ttf --features init "Hello World"`
... but if I subset the otf font then it suddenly starts working... I'll try to report it and see what happens.
See It's a font bug, so not much we can do here.
Will be fixed once [this PR]( gets merged and upstreamed.
Unfortunately not, I've been wanting to work on this but it does take some effort and I haven't had the time. :/
Happy to say that that text preservation has been implemented upstream, so the odds are good that we can have this in Typst as well by the next release.
There already exists a fix for the orientation, it just hasn't been upstreamed into Typst yet. Will look into what is happening regarding the color.
Okay, unfortunately Inkscape uses an SVG2 feature which is not currently supported by us for the color. As a workaround: Open Inkscape Settings -> Input/Output -> SVG export and then...