ocaml-torch copied to clipboard
debugging out-of-memory exception
I've been trying to shift a hybrid ocaml-python program to mostly ocaml. Part of this program is a simple image collision test; when implemented it in ocaml, it is >2x slower than the python equivalent. Digging a bit, I noticed that the ocaml implementation needs a lot of memory. The following is a minimum working example that runs into the same memory leak / out-of-memory problem:
open Torch
open Unix
let image_count = 2048
let image_res = 30
test the ocaml equivalent of (python):
dbf = th.ones(image_count, image_res, image_res)
d = th.sum((dbf - a)**2, (1,2))
mindex = th.argmin(d)
dist = d[mindex]
let image_dist dbf img =
let d = Tensor.( (dbf - img) ) in
(* per-element square and sum *)
let d2 = Tensor.einsum ~equation:"ijk, ijk -> i" [d;d] ~path:None in
let mindex = Tensor.argmin d2 ~dim:None ~keepdim:true
|> Tensor.int_value in
let dist = Tensor.get d2 mindex |> Tensor.float_value in
let () =
Unix.clear_nonblock stdin;
Printf.printf "cuda available: %b\n%!" (Cuda.is_available ());
let device = Torch.Device.cuda_if_available () in
(* dbf is a tensor of images to be compared (MSE) against *)
let dbf = Tensor.(
( ones [image_count; image_res; image_res] ) * (f (-1.0)))
|> Tensor.to_device ~device in
let start = Unix.gettimeofday () in
for _i = 0 to 100_000 do (
(* generate a random image *)
let img = Tensor.(randn [image_res; image_res] )
|> Tensor.to_device ~device in
ignore( image_dist dbf img )
(* in the actual program, we do something with dist,mindex *)
) done;
let stop = Unix.gettimeofday () in
Printf.printf "100k image_dist calc time: %fs\n%!"
(stop -. start);
Would love to figure out how to get this working. I suspect variables are being allocated every loop, and the GC is not getting around to removing them. Would love to make it as performant as Python. (Can't believe I'm saying that!! -- perhaps by streamlining "d = th.sum((dbf - img)**2, (1,2))"?? )
Any advice much appreciated.