Laurent Gomila
Laurent Gomila
It's not clear whether this should be handled automatically by SFML, or by user code.
> There's no way to minimize a window in SFML to begin with, so this cannot be solved with user code I didn't mean that it could already be handled...
After reading this description, I don't feel like CDS_RESET would solve anything. Or maybe I just misunderstand the MSDN doc?
Thanks for investigating. Yeah, I know how to restore the video mode, this is not exactly what we're trying to solve here. The question is rather _what should SFML do,...
Since there are different possible ways to react to alt+tab while in fullscreen, wouldn't it be better to leave it to the user, and instead provide more functions in sf::Window?...
And what about other OSes (Linux, Mac OS X)?
You're right, let's find another solution.
Interesting. What would you do for these specific cases?
> for the first one using return !fclose(file); should be fine I assume I don't think so. First, everything has been loaded successfully so I don't see why we would...
> This is about writing, not loading? (At least in this instance. For code that's loading, I'd say the return value is not as important.) Oops :smile: > That's true,...