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[Bug] When using 'select' type with morphToMany relationship, it errors.
Bug report
What I did
Created a field as follows:
Each user in my system can be assigned to only one role.
What I expected to happen
I expected a drop down of all the entries for the Role model
What happened
I get the error:
Object of class Illuminate\Support\Collection could not be converted to int
which leads me to the file and line:
[vendor / backpack / crud / src / resources / views / crud / fields / select.blade.php : 38]
What I've already tried to fix it
I figured out that this line of code is the issue: @if($current_value == $connected_entity_entry->getKey())
in this situation is an empty collection, and so it can't be converted to an int value for the comparison. I fixed this by using a triple equal sign ===
instead, and it solved the issue in the view, but then another issue came to light.
Issue after the change stated above:
[vendor / backpack / crud / src / app / Library / CrudPanel / Traits / Create.php : 153]
array_values(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, int given
Which leads to this code:
if (empty($relationValues)) {
$relationValues = array_values($values);
in this scenerio $values
is a single integer, not an array.
What I tried to fix this second issue:
Added []
to the end of the {{ $field['name'] }}
of the name
attribute on the select within vendor / backpack / crud / src / resources / views / crud / fields / select.blade.php:27
it now loos like:
name="{{ $field['name'] }}[]"
@include('', ['default_class' => 'form-control form-select'])
This fixed it, but obviously we can't have this for non morphToMany relationships.
Is it a bug in the latest version of Backpack?
After I run composer update backpack/crud
the bug... is it still there?
Backpack, Laravel, PHP, DB version
When I run php artisan backpack:version
the output is:
Core, date, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, ctype, curl, dom, fileinfo, filter, ftp, hash, iconv, json, mbstring, SPL, session, PDO, pdo_sqlite, standard, posix, random, readline, Reflection, Phar, SimpleXML, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, mysqlnd, bcmath, exif, gd, intl, mysqli, pdo_mysql, sodium, zip, xdebug
backpack/basset: 1.3.3
backpack/crud: 6.7.10
backpack/generators: v4.0.5
backpack/medialibrary-uploaders: 1.2.0
backpack/theme-tabler: 1.2.8
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-- Justin Case The Backpack Robot
If Each user can be assigned to only one role. You should use the belongsTo
To expect a Roles drop-down, you should use the select (1-n relationship)