This is to prevent them from changing, moving, or getting deleted. This would also need to be visible in the inspector panel, i.e. the settings could be grayed out or...
Allow users to choose which type they use in their project and be able to switch between them: pixels, meters, etc. This becomes especially helpful when laying out 2D Sprites....
To quickly import sounds, textures, scenes, etc. Originally requested here: #159
Resources such as textures and sounds can have XML parameters which are stored alongside the resource file. For example: Settings such as "looped" for sounds should be stored in...
There should be a yes/no confirmation when deleting a component, as well as a "don't show me this again" checkbox.
This will make rotating/placing sprites easier. Enhancement originally requested here: #159
Give users the option of quickly switching between scene view and Play mode. Feature request originally reported here: #159
To keep the Project folder clean, it would be handy to be able to delete an object's material and its texture(s) when deleting the object from the project. This would...