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Your users do not always report errors, LaraBug does. LaraBug is a simple to use and implement error tracker built for the Laravel framework.

Results 7 larabug-app issues
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This PR will add notifications through Telegram. It's inspired from [Flare]( To start using this feature, you'll need to create a Telegram bot then add the token to the environment...

Many of the errors and dead project parts I just tackled were discovered by the laravel-microscope, I recommend having it as your assistant to speed things up and have a...

The exception is thrown at I checked the database and find that there's no record in the `statistics` table. The record should have been created at this event listerner...

The `belongToSelect` is deprecated in the Filament. ![image](

good first issue

Firstly: Thanks a lot for this absolute great product! It's amazingly easy to use and so helpful! Is it possible to add another developer to my projects? Or will this...