通过heroku建立的空间,使用speedtest.py测速可达500Mbit/s,下载速度实测可以达到30-40M/s。 但是使用本项目测试后,实测某tobe视频网站connection speed仅为4000kbps上下。 这两个速度的差距是否正常呢?是我配置的问题吗?与我本身网络速度有关吗?
显卡UHD620 无法启动HEVC加速 CPU i7-8550U 频率怪怪的 貌似频率较低 这个怎么解决呢? 在使用显卡占用较高时 CPU貌似频率会锁在400MHz 尝试使用CPUFriend调节,但是效果较差,想问问大佬怎么解决( •̥́ ˍ •̀ू )
When using an undefined argument (e.g. using -? after -h is defined to display help message), the program will directly report an error and exit. I wonder if it is...
### Description If we create a new project via fpm and then add following codes in `fpm.toml` to support `openblas`: ``` link = ["openblas"] .... [dependencies] stdlib = "*" [preprocess]...
## Description The arguments included in the quotation marks will be regarded as one argument both in Fortran and in this module, which means that if we use `temp.exe "-n...
It seems that the subroutine `add_by_path` only support the default way to specify the path (`path_mode=1`), actually the following codes does not work ```fortran program main use json_module implicit none...