
Results 39 issues of 快乐的老鼠宝宝

**Common issues before reporting** **Have you modified the save files** No **Have you tried the latest release** Yes **Describe the bug** Can't work on path that have Unicode character ```...


我注意到您的仓库已经更改为alist-org所有,虽然GitHub提供了仓库重定向,但它毕竟与准确的仓库地址有差别。 我亦会在其他相关项目中提交PR,这是在主页下方点击“由 AList 驱动”时发现的。 相关的PR还包括: * https://github.com/alist-org/alist-web/pull/142 此外,文档中依然有很多没有更改的链接,您觉得有必要对过往的文档进行更改吗?


According to #8739 , this part of code import unproper translation for S/T Chinese. Remove those part of code, because only 2 kind of Chinese have `-alt-long` , other language...

~~(还是说没有计算器?)~~ (因为看起来隔壁莫娜有人问 https://github.com/wormtql/genshin_artifact/issues/281 和 https://github.com/wormtql/genshin_artifact/issues/291) (希望更新以下README?)

Now when you install gpxpy in python 3.11, below warning will be given: ``` DEPRECATION: gpxpy is being installed using the legacy 'setup.py install' method, because it does not have...

For example: + https://github.com/hotosm/learnosm/blob/gh-pages/_posts/en/0500-10-15-remote-tracing_en.md In not only one article there are links that still contain https link, I blamed it and found those links were added 7 years ago, in...

First of all, I make sure that I know that in most international academic exchanges, English is the most popular and commonly used language. I found this option in zenodo's...


Looks like python3.11 will use system proxy automatically, but 3.9 still won't. And this is a package, if it haven't got this feature, I can't just left a `--proxy https://localhost:port`...

### Environment Firefox 122.0.1 (Although this isn't really useful) ### Request Currently, wakatime need to manually add some whitelist, but most of user of this plugin are programmer and some...

Error log are pasted below: ``` com.intellij.diagnostic.PluginException: Cannot load class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMDocument ( error: org/w3c/dom/svg/SVGDocument, classLoader=PluginClassLoader(plugin=PluginDescriptor(name=DOT Language, id=org.plugin.dot.id, descriptorPath=plugin.xml, path=~\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\PyCharmCE2023.3\plugins\dotplugin, version=1.5.3, package=null, isBundled=false), packagePrefix=null, state=active) ) at com.intellij.ide.plugins.cl.PluginClassLoader.loadClassInsideSelf(PluginClassLoader.kt:331) at com.intellij.ide.plugins.cl.PluginClassLoader.tryLoadingClass(PluginClassLoader.kt:178) at...