kitti3 copied to clipboard
Documentation revamp
It's time to toss out the old readme and come up with something new.
Work in progress.
- [x] Tagline
- [x] Features overview
- [ ] GIF taster demo
- [x] Installation / quick start (basic cli invocation only)
- [ ] Usage
- [ ] General overview of what Kitti3 can do / where it fits w.r.t. host config etc.
- [ ] Basic terminal (Kitty/Alacritty; known clients)
- [ ] Animate anything (title w/ Tabs Outliner window)
- [ ] Dynamic association (con_mark w/ __focused__ set mark keybind companion)
- [ ] Reference
- [ ] cli args (breakdown)
- [ ] i3 vs sway (feature comparison)
- [x] Contributing
- [x] License
- Use term "host" to refer to i3 and sway? (b/c i3 is a WM and sway is a compositor...)
- Lower case s in sway, as that seems to be their preference?
- Figure out what to call Kitti3 - "handler" instead of current "manager"? Want to avoid confusion with WM that might come from calling Kitti3 a "floating window manager"...
- Was thinking about doing a screencast to showcase the various features, but might be better to just do gif demos for each usage example?
- [ ] Create issue template (ask people to use
and ideally combine w/sway -D > ~/sway_kitti3.log
or somesuch)
Wouldn't it be easier for this to be moved to a pull request so people can watch the progress and add more on the way probably good seeing as it is a doc revamp so that users can communicate to other users