discord-player-bot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
discord-player-bot copied to clipboard

Discord music bot built using discord.js v14 & discord-player. Slash commands. Multiple guild support. YouTube, Spotify links supported. Audio filters. Cool website with dark mode.


license contr stars invite Support

Discord music bot built using djs v13, discord-player. Slash Commands only bot


If you need help with this project, to get support faster you can join the help server by just clicking here.

If you don't have any development knowledge, I can't help you.


Open the configuration file located in the root directory config.json.

  "botToken": "",
  "inviteLink": "",
  "supportServer": "https://discord.gg/aj7M84cdT8",
  "owners": [],
  "errorLogsChannel": "",
  "DJ": {
    "enabled": false,
    "role": "",
    "commands": []

Basic configuration

  • botToken, the token of the bot available on the Discord Developers section
  • inviteLink, the invite link that will be used to invite the bot
  • supportServer, the discord support server link
  • owners, an array of bot owner ids, i,e. "owners": ["668157292927254587"]
  • errorLogsChannel, a Discord text channel id, if you want to log error in discord. Else errors will be logged in console.

DJ mode configuration

  • DJ/enabled, whether the DJ mode should be activated or not
  • DJ/role, the name of the DJ role to be used
  • DJ/commands, the list of commands limited to members with the DJ role

📑 Installation

To use the project correctly you will need some tools.

NPM (>= v7) to install packages

Node JS (>= v16.6) for environment


  1. npm install
  2. node src/index.js

Docker installation

  1. Fill the config.json file
  2. Run npm run build
  3. Enjoy dockerized deejay

Disclaimer (if self-hosted)

You are not allowed to upload this bot to any service such as discordbotlist or top.gg, you are only allowed to host this bot for your community.

Support Deejay

All stars/forks are appreciated! ⚡

Feel free to open a pull request with a new feature.

Made with ❤️ and JavaScript!


Apache © L0SER

Hosting Problems

I would not recommend self-hosting the bot on repl.it, Glitch and other public services. If you host your bot in public Glitch.com or repl.it projects, you take a risk, the risk is that in public projects ANYONE can steal your bot TOKEN and hack it, people that steal bot tokens will use your bot to DM advertise users, to raid servers, to scam people with fake things, and to impersonate the bot owner.

If that happens with your bot, YOU have the fault for hosting it on a public project. For those things i recommend hosts like Danbot or other private hosts (except FalixNodes, they sell user data), repl.it and glitch.com projects are easy to steal, anyone can get your token and/or other confidential information.