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Discord bot spamming on logoffs on 7 days to die
Hi apparently the bot spams the discord more than i want when players leave or join the game. other than removing the addon is there a way round this ?
If this is add-on related, there may not be a way to make your configuration fully compatible for Dishorde at the moment.
One thing you could try is resetting the system the bot is running on -- multiple messages can be caused by extra instances of the bot. If this does not fix the problem, and it only affects join/leave messages: in theory, you may disable only these messages with the disable-join-leave-gmsgs
If you could provide a list of your server's add-ons or modifications, this would be greatly appreciated. I am working on compiling a list of conflicting add-ons so we can look into fixing them.
Hi the current modlets i have is these
The version of the 7days is alpha 20 also checked in the task manager there is no duplicate entries of the bot running i do how ever have 4 seperate instances of 7 days to die servers each have there own bots for it.
Still looking into this -- we just got another report of the same issue in via the support server.
okay thank you very much :)
Hi Lake, we just have the three mods from Allocs that reserect has. Ver 39 according to the modinfo.xml. We're also running the bot from I think that just works via Telnet which is a possible conflict although probably not as I'm pretty sure it was happening during A20 Experimental before the bot had been updated and linked in. Other telnet users are BattleMetrics RCON and the scheduled announcements via TCAdmin. Otherwise... it's a Win 2016 server with 32G that last ran Windows Update a week or so ago. We're running TCAdmin v2.0.174.0. Also have Conan Exiles and Ark Survival servers. They also use RCON for discord chat but on different ports.
I'm happy to run a debug logging version of the code. The stall is happening a couple of times a day so it shouldn't take too long to get some data.
Has anyone encountered this before alpha 20? I will be testing today to see if we can narrow it down to the latest major version of the game.
I did have the issue before Alpha 20 just thought i could handle it but still does it. I was using it on wotw before he has not updated it for alpha 20 yet so made a fresh alpha 20 myself :)
I don't recall it happening on A19. If it did, it was obviously rare enough that no one really noticed.
I have successfully reproduced the issue as seen here (The "undefined" is a result of my tinkering):
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 6:44 PM Player Nylarlathotep left the game Player Nylarlathotep left the game Player Nylarlathotep left the game Player Nylarlathotep left the game
this ahowed today as well
Interesting -- is it always in sets of four like this?
one player logged out and it said left game only once but yesterday it was a whole load of info like cross id's and stuff like that. ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 6:25 PM Player Ranais left the 2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam______________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abb2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam___________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abbf14731a7582d409d006817', OwnerID='Steam________________________', PlayerName='Ranais' 2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam___________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abb2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam____________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abbf14731a7582d409d006817', OwnerID='Steam_______________________', PlayerName='Ranais' [6:25 PM] Player Ranais left the game
obviously steam then _____ was there steam id's.
Them parts would be spammed no end at one point
one player logged out and it said left game only once but yesterday it was a whole load of info like cross id's and stuff like that. ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 6:25 PM Player Ranais left the 2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam______________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abb2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam___________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abbf14731a7582d409d006817', OwnerID='Steam________________________', PlayerName='Ranais' 2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam___________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abb2021-12-28T18:25:01 8832.977 INF Player disconnected: EntityID=15068, PltfmId='Steam____________________', CrossId='EOS_0002f58abbf14731a7582d409d006817', OwnerID='Steam_______________________', PlayerName='Ranais' [6:25 PM] Player Ranais left the game
obviously steam then _____ was there steam id's.
This looks similar to issue #118, which is being addressed in the next update.
okay hopefully in the next update it'll be addressed then just glad it was not just me then. :) i mean it would spam like 10-20 of the same message :)
We have a dev build ready that attempts to remedy some of these issues. Thus far, I have not encountered the issue in this build. However, it needs further testing, and I want to implement some extra anti-spam safeguards before a full release.
Beware that this is a development build and not to be considered stable.
+ 7DTD-Discord is now known as Dishorde. The new name is now used in the bot's files.
+ Added extra safeguards to filter out Discord pings from messages. This means that in-game users can no-longer ping @ everyone, @ here, or other users (via `<@(userid)>`), regardless of the bot's permissions. Attempts to do so now show up with special formatting.
+ Links posted in messages from the game are no-longer clickable.
+ Updated the bot to discord.js v13.
* Internally reworked the way messages from the game are parsed. This should fix issues including console data spilling through to messages.
* Fixed token and login errors not displaying their correct error text.
* Fixed console errors related to the GitHub repository URL.
thank you very much i will test it if anything and let you know further with it.
Installed the new version about 4 hrs ago.
We're not getting the log-like strings we were getting before. e.g. Player vetisx left the2021-12-30T09:18:07 11526.597 INF ~Botman~ PlayerDisconnected Player vetisx left the game Player vetisx left the2021-12-30T09:18:07 11526.597 INF ~Botman~ PlayerDisconnected Player vetisx left the game Just getting "Player vetisx left the game" now.
Given that I didn't take records, it's hard to say for sure that it's less frequent than before (could just be wishful thinking) but we are still getting repeated messages. Two instances of a double message, once each for 4x and a 16x. All between midday and 4pm Sydney time.
Interestingly, we also got an 8x on a player-generated chat message. I only recall having seen it before on server generated player leaving messages.
I don't know if Discord permits data mining from channels but I'm not opposed to permitting a listener bot if you wanted to get some analytics.
Ah, this is new. This dev version (may be intentional because it's a dev version!) Dishorde is now echoing stuff that comes from Discord back into Discord.
Sorry boss, just got the weird stuff again, too.
8 lots of:
Player 'BigCone' left the2021-12-30T22:56:23 1796.155 INF ~Botman~ PlayerDisconnected2021-12-30T22:56:23 1796.155 INF ~Botman~ PlayerDisconnected Player 'BigCone' left the game
This is all i have been receiving today
Player 'Laura Milne' joined the game res-gaming-inc-14k-alpha-20-nopw BOT — Today at 2:07 AM Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' died res-gaming-inc-14k-alpha-20-nopw BOT — Today at 2:27 AM Player 'Laura Milne' died res-gaming-inc-14k-alpha-20-nopw BOT — Today at 2:38 AM Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' left the game res-gaming-inc-14k-alpha-20-nopw BOT — Today at 5:26 AM Player 'Laura Milne' joined the game Player 'Laura Milne' died res-gaming-inc-14k-alpha-20-nopw BOT — Today at 5:43 AM Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' died Player 'Laura Milne' left the game Player 'Laura Milne' left the game Player 'Laura Milne' left the game Player 'Laura Milne' left the game
"allow-exec-command": true, "allow-multiple-instances": true, "disable-commands": false, "disable-chatmsgs": false, "disable-join-leave-gmsgs": false, "disable-misc-gmsgs": false, "show-private-chat": true, "disable-status-updates": false, "disable-version-check": false, "hide-prefix": false, "log-messages": true, "log-telnet": true, "prefix": "7d!" }
Thanks for the reports. I'll make some changes based on what we're seeing today.
I suppose the way I can remedy this in the short-term is to add a detection system so the application identifies when it's trying to send a duplicate message. This is hardly a proper solution, though, and I'd like to figure out the root cause as well.
And another quick-fix for the weird "left" messages, we can validate any message reading as "GMSG" to ensure it contains a whitelisted set of strings, being "died", "left the game", or "joined the game".
This would similarly be a temporary solution, and you would see a warning in console indicating that something is still wrong.
okay just received this
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 7:33 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:33 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died
Ah, this is new. This dev version (may be intentional because it's a dev version!) Dishorde is now echoing stuff that comes from Discord back into Discord.
This is a result of some of the new changes to how chat messages are handled. A new config option has been added, disable-non-player-chatmsgs
, for this. This should disable all messages not sent by players, i.e. server utilities and console commands included. Still working on a solution to disable only the echoing.
Another pre-release is ready, 2.0.0-rc2. This addresses the hide-prefix issue.
Linux: Dishorde.tar.gz Windows:
Installed 2.0.0.rc2 about 5 hours ago. Still a few double-ups. Got a 4x on someone joining the game Just got an 8x of funky stuff. Player 'KIT' left the game2021-12-31T15:09:24 4126.744 INF ~Botman~ PlayerDisconnected [3:09 PM] Player 'KIT' left the game
Another odd one from chat rather than a logon or logoff. BulletTestDummy: he sometimes spawns there2021-12-31T20:08:34 7352.129 INF Executing command 'bm-chatplayercolor Steam_76561198075103921 FFFFFF 1' by Telnet from
New release candidate to help remedy some problems and better detect others. Instructions and change-log are as follows:
+ Updated the config option "debug-mode" with additional logs.
+ Added a new config option: "log-console". This will log all of the bot's console output to a file, console.log, in the bot's folder.
* [22f6835] Fixed issues with the bot failing to detect certain lines from the game's servers. This may help with messages failing to show up for long amounts of time.
* [3d4fc45] Fixed disable-join-leave-gmsgs and disable-misc-gmsgs config options.
* [6f510f9] To remedy message spam issues, the bot now checks for duplicate messages. If found, the message will not be sent, and a warning will appear in the console.
I recommend enabling the new logging functions to hopefully shed some more light on the issues. New logging options can be enabled by adding the following line to your config: "debug-mode": true,
. Same for the console file logger. Example below.
(To note, the message spam detection works off the messages' timestamps, so it shouldn't catch the same message actually being sent multiple times.)
Downloads: Windows: Linux: Dishorde.tar.gz
okay just received this
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 7:33 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:33 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died
Do you know if this person died multiple times in a row, or just once? In particular, I'm looking to see if the messages at 7:40 are just echoes of the same one sent at 7:33, or if the person died more than once, and one of the deaths triggered the spam.
i used version 1.7.3 on my dc server, with A20 and it works most of the time, but it spams allways on left messages, and doesnt allways send messages, or sends them like minutes or even hours later, i downloaded version 2.0.0 and it didnt work, only messages from the dc to game worked but nothing came back to discord, now in rc3 no spam issue what so ever, but everything typed on dc echoes to dc straight, msg from game works, join/leave works, diemessages dont know yet, messages from dc gets to game, but that echo is annoying.
i used version 1.7.3 on my dc server, with A20 and it works most of the time, but it spams allways on left messages, and doesnt allways send messages, or sends them like minutes or even hours later, i downloaded version 2.0.0 and it didnt work, only messages from the dc to game worked but nothing came back to discord, now in rc3 no spam issue what so ever, but everything typed on dc echoes to dc straight, msg from game works, join/leave works, diemessages dont know yet, messages from dc gets to game, but that echo is annoying.
The current workaround for the echo is to set disable-non-player-chatmsgs
to true in config (If using an old config file, you can add the option as a line in config yourself).
The only downside to this is that it will disable all "Server" messages (i.e. if you use the "say" command in console, or possibly mod-based messages)
Installed 2.0.0.rc3 about 2 hrs ago. So far so good, haven't noticed any dupes.
Console is full of lines like the following: WARNING: Caught attempting to send a duplicate line from the game. This line will be skipped. Line: 2022-01-01T20:44:29 9507.329 WRN Path node otherHeight bad -0.2100002, ( -865500, 41800, 2676500), ( -865500, 42010, 2676500)
okay just received this ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 7:33 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:33 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:34 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died [7:40 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' died
Do you know if this person died multiple times in a row, or just once? In particular, I'm looking to see if the messages at 7:40 are just echoes of the same one sent at 7:33, or if the person died more than once, and one of the deaths triggered the spam.
Sorry for my long reply decided i would go out haha. okay basically they only died the once with that day. as you said though it could have just been it triggering. As he only died the once.
The bot is not spammed hardly at all over the past couple of days. not as much as it was doing. ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 1:58 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' joined the game
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 2:36 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' left the game [2:36 PM] Player 'Nylarlathotep' left the game
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 4:42 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' joined the game
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 5:11 PM Player 'Booty' joined the game
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 5:21 PM Booty: saw that
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Yesterday at 8:50 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' left the game [8:50 PM] Player 'Booty' left the game January 1, 2022
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 2:59 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' joined the game NEW
ReSAlpha20-8K-Map-Test BOT — Today at 4:07 PM Player 'Nylarlathotep' died
how i cant get death messages to those like "was eaten alive by a mountainbear" or something, it says only "died"?
@RustLighter Please keep questions relevant to this particular bug (which is about repeats/spam in the chat).
To address your question, that appears to be a change in the game. I looked in the main output_log.txt, it only records "Player XYZ died." So Dishorde / 7DTD-Discord doesn't know the reason, so it can't report it.
Another release candidate ready. Here's the rundown:
+ Messages from Discord now use nicknames, if any, rather than Discord names.
* Added a workaround for quotes causing messages to be cut off (Quotes are removed)
* [46d1ea6, 02c6d84, eb70828] More improvements to the way the bot detects lines from the game's console. This should remedy issues including message spam, message cutoff, and console data spilling into messages.
Windows: Linux: Dishorde.tar.gz
Installed, thank you! Confirmed that nicknames and quotes are being processed as expected.
tested today the new rc4, some of the messages from the dc to game wont come in, and left msg echoing making string is still there, also in like 30minutes rc4 losts connection and doesnt respond on 7d! commands or anything
The release candidate builds have now been rolled out as one full release, 2.0.0. Some additional fixes are included in it. Please defer any issue reports to the new full release build. Further changes will be released in additional patches as needed.