Comment by Dark_Arc Try this build. The permission "commandbook.flight." is needed to keep the current flight mode when changing worlds if this setting is enabled (it's on by default)
Comment by RustyDagger sadly I am unable to test it because I am on a modded server and all the builds after the UUID support was added do not work...
Comment by Dark_Arc Hm, I see, I may be able to make a back ported version of CommandBook for 1.6.4.
Comment by sk89q Can add a class that will fallback to 1.6.4 code if 1.7 code is not present.
Comment by RustyDagger That would be helpful Some major bugs have been fixed after the builds i am using it would be nice to Update. I'm sure that there are...
Comment by Dark_Arc Well, the problem is that there are some major changes which rely on the 1.7 code, such as the way in which CommandBook stores sessions, and a...
Comment by Dark_Arc @RustyDagger if you're interested in testing a pretty much completely untested back port, you can try this build and tell me how it goes The only...
Comment by RustyDagger seems to be running fine dark_arc. Will give it a better test over the next few hours when i allow players on the server.
Comment by Dark_Arc Alright great, in regards to your original unedited comment, there shouldn't be any multi homes support. I haven't begun implementing that in any branch.
Comment by RustyDagger dam it you seen that I realized I was derping with owner commands. creating homes for other players.