Olof Lagerkvist
Olof Lagerkvist
Not sure really what you are trying to do here. Structures can be directly pinned and used by unmanaged code through pinned pointer if the structure is blittable. You can...
Where did you get the error about `MarshalAs` attribute? I think you could compare your code to my fork. I turned `DokanFileInfo` to a struct some time ago and it...
Okay, `MarshalAs` attribute is really only needed for selecting a specific method for marshalling. There is no reason to use that attribute when passing blittable structures by reference since that...
It is a bit strange that a call into native ImageMagick library throws a native exception like that. I would debug this by either calling the same functions from a...
That happens sometimes. Threads introduce a complexity that can cause issues to only show up in multi thread scenarios. Yes I could maybe take a look at what happens. Since...
Just tried it and I do not see the exact same behavior but a bit similar. The crash you had within the ImageMagick libraries happened here too, it happened no...
Okay, I just assumed that you had tried to run it as 32 bit because the project that you sent was set as "prefer 32 bit" in the project settings....
No sorry I have very limited time for the moment. But it is an interesting issue to investigate. I'll come back to it later!
It gives quite a bit of performance gain to make it a struct, particularly in use cases with lots of file I/O. In my "high-performance" fork I have done exactly...
> i was looking at [your fork](https://github.com/LTRData/dokan-dotnet/blob/9742fd0646b1b22c0013050a3d07e3a458a48514/DokanNet/DokanOperationProxy.cs#L44), and i was thinking about why not using the [in keywork ](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/language-reference/keywords/in-parameter-modifier) instead of ref, it should be "safer", also i would pass...