Olof Lagerkvist
Olof Lagerkvist
> > @stroev-ao Have you been able to resolve this issue ? > > No, the problem is not solved. The advice above from @LTRData did not help. Like I...
Got another report now with exact same BSOD (but now with latest driver version). I think I realize now how this could still happen. The fix that calls `IsUnmountPendingVcb(RequestContext->Vcb)` before...
> I would agree to do `if (RequestContext->Vcb == NULL || IsUnmountPendingVcb(RequestContext->Vcb))` but I would like to understand why we have a `Dcb` without `Vcb` here. We don't have more...
That sounds good! 👍
> > Hi @Lucasq11 , > > Thanks for the report and the analysis. Agree we should not notify if nothing has changed. > > If we had the item...
If we look at how this is implemented in cdfs.sys and fastfat.sys, there seems indeed to be a check for SL_RESTART_SCAN and a reset of the logic in that case:...
There is no source code involved in that way. It is a conversion of the compiled code. There is no intermediate step with clear text source code.