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An integer linear program solver using a Lagrange decomposition into binary decision diagrams. Lagrange multipliers are updated through dual block coordinate ascent.
An integer linear program solver using a Lagrange decomposition into binary decision diagrams. Lagrange multipliers are updated through min-marginal averaging (a form of dual block coordinate ascent). Sequential and parallel CPU solvers are provided as well as a massively parallel GPU implementation.
git clone
Then continue with creating a build folder and use cmake:
mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..
If CUDA-solvers are to be built, set WITH_CUDA=ON
in cmake and ensure CUDA is available (tested on CUDA 11.2, later versions should also work).
Command Line Usage
Given an input file ${input} in LP format, one can solve the problem via
bdd_solver_cl ${config.json}
where ${config.json} is a json configuration file.
It is structured as follows:
"input": "${input file}",
"variable order": "{input|bfs|minimum degree|cuthill}",
"normalize constraints": "{true|false}",
"precision": "{float|double}",
"relaxation solver": "{sequential mma|parallel mma|cuda parallel mma|lbfgs parallel mma|cuda lbfgs parallel mma|subgradient}",
"termination criteria": {
"maximum iterations": ${integer},
"improvement slope": ${real number},
"minimum improvement": ${real number},
"time limit": ${integer}
"perturbation rounding": {
"initial perturbation": ${real number},
"perturbation growth rate": ${real number},
"inner iterations": ${integer},
"outer iterations": ${integer}
: File containing the optimization problem in .lp or .opb format, argument required. -
variable order
: The order of optimization variables. Possible values are-
: As encountered in the input file, this is the default. -
: Use a breadth-first search through the variable-constraint adjacency matrix to determine a variable ordering starting from the most eccentric node. -
minimum degree
: Use the minimum degree ordering. -
: Use the Cuthill McKee algorithm on the variable-constraint adjacency matrix to determina a variable ordering.
normalize constraints
: Should variables in constraints be sorted according to the variable order? This argument is not required and defaults to true. -
: Can be either float or double precision for all floating point computations. The argument is not required and defaults to double. -
relaxation solver
: Can be one of the following:-
sequential mma
for sequential min-marginal averaging [1]. -
parallel mma
for parallel CPU deferred min-marginal averaging [2]. -
cuda parallel mma
for parallel deferred min-marginal averaging on GPU (available if built withWITH_CUDA=ON
) [2]. -
lbfgs parallel mma
for L-BFGS using the parallel_mma [2] CPU solver as backbone. -
lbfgs cuda parallel mma
for L-BFGS using the mma_cuda [2] GPU solver as backbone (available if built withWITH_CUDA=ON
). -
for subgradient ascent with adaptive step sizes.
termination criteria
: Terminate the relaxation optimization if either of the below stopping criteria is satisfied. The argument is not required.-
maximum iterations
: For terminating after a pre-specified number of iterations, default value 1000. -
improvement slope
: For terminating if improvement between iterations is less than fraction of the improvement after the first iteration, default value 1e-6. -
minimum improvement
: For terminating if improvement between iterations is less than the specified value, default value 1e-6. -
time limit
: For terminating if optimization takes longer than value in seconds, default value 3600.
perturbation rounding
: Compute primal solution by perturbing costs such that the relaxation solver solution becomes integral.-
initial perturbation
: By how much should costs be perturbed, default value 0.1. -
perturbation growth rate
: The factor specifying by how much perturbation should be increased in each perturbation round, default value 1.1. -
inner iterations
: For how many iterations should the relaxation solver run between perturbing costs, default value 100. -
outer iterations
: How many perturbation rounds should be performed, default value 100.
: If a LBFG-S solver is chosen, the following non-required parameters can be passed:-
history size
: how many past iterates should be used, default value 5. -
initial step size
: the initial step size for the LBFG-S step, default value 1e-6. -
required relative lb increase
: the required relative increase in the lower bound for a step to be considered successful, default value 1e-6. -
step size decrease factor
: the factor by which to decrease the step size if a step is unsuccessful, default value 0.8. -
step size increase factor
: the factor by which to increase the step size if a step is successful, default value 1.1.
Python interface
All solvers are exposed to Python. To install Python solver do:
git clone [email protected]:LPMP/BDD.git
cd BDD
python install
To use Python solver only on CPU (e.g. GPU not available) replace last command by
WITH_CUDA=OFF python install
For running the solver via Python interface do:
from BDD.bdd_solver_py import bdd_solver as bdd_solver
solver = bdd_solver(input file)
For more information about setting-up the solver especially from Python see this guide. The python interface is exposed via and one example of use is in
Learned solver (DOGE-Train)
Please navigate to DOGE
If you use this work please cite
[1] - J. H. Lange and P. Swoboda. Efficient Message Passing for 0–1 ILPs with Binary Decision Diagrams. In ICML 2021.
[2] - A. Abbas and P. Swoboda. FastDOG: Fast Discrete Optimization on GPU. In CVPR 2022.
for the parallel solvers, -
[3] - A. Abbas and P. Swoboda. DOGE-Train: Discrete Optimization on GPU with End-to-end Training. In AAAI 2024.
for learned solvers, -
[4] - Roetzer, Paul, et al. Fast Discrete Optimisation for Geometrically Consistent 3D Shape Matching. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.08230 (2023).
for LBFGS based parallel solvers.