Thiemo Borger
Thiemo Borger
Hi, thank you -> That's great for Windows users - I've added a similar script for Linux -> This should work under windows too (using cygwin)
Hi, do you have all needed Linux packages from the script (e.g. screen etc.) ? I use it in /home/trinity (here you need to have ALL sh/bash scripts in this...
You need all packages for TC compile ( and screen, grep, sudo, git, mysql for the script
I use Ubuntu too (LTS version) there should not be a problem... INI File is OK ?
How players can delete items ?
Thank you - I'll check this patch. Is this from a fork ? and is the the author known ?
This patch files are more or less the same we have...
I'll check this patch - Do you know the original author (credits) ?
I've currently not much time to work on gunship - Will try to fix this ASAP
Turn off IRC in worldserver.conf file - You'll need a IRC server to use it. Under Linux there are many good IRC Servers you can install. Check double if there...