Hi @matthew-lee1, thank you for using squidpy. For loading CODEX data i would highly recommend to use the specified reader ```codex()``` from [spatialdata-io](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata-io). This package makes reading spatial omics data...
Hi @yingsun-ucsd After installing the skmisc package did you restart the jupyter kernel?
Hi @Ketomihine, @wallet-maker ImageContainer usage in squidpy will be deprecated eventually. I would recommend to use [napari-spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/napari-spatialdata) ```Interactive(sdata)```, where ```sdata``` is a [spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata) object, instead.
@YuanningEric ImageContainer usage in squidpy will be deprecated eventually. I would recommend to use [napari-spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/napari-spatialdata) ```Interactive(sdata)```, where ```sdata``` is a [spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata) object, instead.
Hi @aandytu I don't think this method can be robustly used for all spatial omics technologies anymore and it will also be deprecated eventually because plotting and visualization of spatial...
For reading spatial omics data, please now refer to [spatialdata-io](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata-io).
ImageContainer usage in squidpy will be deprecated eventually. I would recommend to use [napari-spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/napari-spatialdata) ```Interactive(sdata)```, where ```sdata``` is a [spatialdata](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata) object, instead.
Hi @hndyilm, thank you for your interest in squidpy. This is indeed functionality that we want to add. However we are likely going to implement it as part of the...
@josiejenyne, @acjordan333 As @giovp mentioned before, for loading CosMx datasets efficiently I would highly recommend to use [spatialdata-io](https://github.com/scverse/spatialdata-io), which has a reader for CosMx called `cosmx()`.
Hi @spatts14, @Rafael-Silva-Oliveira, squidpy should be able to handle data sets of the size you mention. When the kernel crashes, is there any error message? Perhaps this is a RAM...