units copied to clipboard
Your units conversion service seems to be down...
Hi, your units conversion service mentioned in the docs seems to be down: https://units.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_static/convert.html
Do you know when the service will be up again?
It is back up now
Are you actually using it?
Thanks! Yeah, but we are looking into a more permanent solution, as the usage got a bit higher than expected.
The webserver is pretty easy to run locally. Right now it is just running a docker image from docker hub on an AWS instance. You can run that docker locally or just compile the webserver and run that on whatever you like. Curious what you are doing with it.
And it looked like the docker server just stopped for some unknown reason, so I just restarted it.
Cool, so in theory, we could set up something in our AWS and use that instead? We have an app that generates some configuration files that we configure our hardware with. We are doing some readings on pressure and temperature and such, and needed a way to convert to the desired units. We've been calling your REST API for that, but the number of conversions were higher than expected, so I am a bit worried we are calling your service more than it was built for. We have a meeting today to set up something running on our side, so that should fix it. Ps, great library that you have built :)
So I am currently trying to build a docker image using your Docker file in the webserver folder, but it seems to be failing to find the units_webserver in the build folder.
#13 0.387 cp: cannot stat '../build/webserver/units_webserver': No such file or directory
#13 ERROR: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c cp ../build/webserver/units_webserver .]: exit code: 1
Do you have any theories to what could be wrong? Also (can't hurt to ask), do you have an official docker image that is available to the public?
So, I had to change this line in your Docker file order to make it build the image:
RUN cp ../build/webserver/units_webserver . && cp ../units/webserver/*.html . && cp ../units/webserver/*.sh .
RUN cp ../build/bin/units_webserver . && cp ../units/webserver/*.html . && cp ../units/webserver/*.sh .
I also updated the version label to 0.5.0.
hmm, haven't looked at the dockerhub in a while. Guess it isn't updating anymore, looks like the webhooks changed
Anyway https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/phlptp/units/general is supposed to be where some docker images get generated and are publicly available but looks like it isn't updating. I will see if I can get that working again and update the dockerfile.
Thank you, that would be super :)
The docker hub images are updated and working again
Here is a script I run on my EC2 instance
docker logs units_webserver &> /home/ec2-user/weblog/weblog$(date "+%s").log
docker stop units_webserver
docker container rm units_webserver
docker pull phlptp/units:webserver
docker run --name units_webserver -p80:80 -d phlptp/units:webserver
I think I run this once a day to automatically get the latest images and regenerate the server if it had stopped
regenerate the server if it had stopped
You can use Docker restart policies in combination with health check command (either in Dockerfile or as docker run