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Wrong compile flags passed to nvcc by gtest

Open Destranix opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

When trying to compile camp on MSVC the "/wd4251" flag is passed to nvcc probably leading to an error, as it's not recognized by nvcc.

I'm using the following script to compile:

@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
reg Query "HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0" | find /i "x86" > NUL && set arch_command_length=32 || set arch_command_length=64
echo "%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%" | find /i "arm" > NUL && goto ARM || goto AMD

IF %arch_command_length% == 32 (
	set arch_string=x86_arm
	set arch_command_length_string=x86
) ELSE (
	set arch_string=amd64_arm64
	set arch_command_length_string=x64
IF %arch_command_length% == 32 (
	set arch_string=x86
	set arch_command_length_string=x86
) ELSE (
	set arch_string=amd64
	set arch_command_length_string=x64
call vcvarsall.bat %arch_string% -vcvars_ver=
call D:\My_Programs\Fortran\setvars.bat
set compiler_path=%VCToolsInstallDir%\bin\Host%arch_command_length_string%\%arch_command_length_string%\cl.exe
set linker_path=%VCToolsInstallDir%\bin\Host%arch_command_length_string%\%arch_command_length_string%\link.exe
set archiver_path=%VCToolsInstallDir%\bin\Host%arch_command_length_string%\%arch_command_length_string%\lib.exe
call "%DevEnvDir%\COMMONEXTENSIONS\MICROSOFT\CMAKE\CMake\bin\cmake.exe" --build . --config Release

Possibly a mechanism should be included to automatically mask compile-flags accordingly when compiling using a different compiler and/or to specify to which special compilers flags shell be passed.

EDIT: Hotfix for this bug if the /wd-Options are the only ones causing problems: Change

list(APPEND _gtest_compile_flags
blt_append_custom_compiler_flag( FLAGS_VAR gtest_extra_flags
    DEFAULT " " 
    MSVC	${_gtest_compile_flags}

Destranix avatar Jan 12 '23 10:01 Destranix