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An application-focused API for memory management on NUMA & GPU architectures
I think the check for `std::filesystem` is currently insufficient. GCC 11 updated the default C++ standard to 17. When the check is done no C++ standard flags are passed to...
Per Since was merged, we update to point to a legitimate commit instead of a feature branch.
Not sure how to resolve this. I add +rocm as my spack variant. CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt: Target "blt_hip" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property contains path: "/gpfs/alpine/cfd116/proj-shared/mullowne/spack-manager-hma/stage/spack-stage-umpire-2022.03.1-tqmh5ayb6ho36rsixipec3swpyo6p7y6/spack-src/HIP_CLANG_INCLUDE_PATH-NOTFOUND/.." which is prefixed in the source...
Hi, I have the following cmake code for finding umpire: set(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH ${UMPIRE_ROOT_DIR} ${CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH}) message(STATUS "Looking for Umpire at ${UMPIRE_ROOT_DIR}") find_package(umpire REQUIRED CONFIG) message(STATUS "Found Umpire = ${UMPIRE_DIR}") I supply UMPIRE_ROOT_DIR...
It looks like when slic is enabled log messages will always be created.