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ioperf.c: missing check for PARALLEL in GetUniqueString before opts->no_mpi checked
ioperf: In producing a unique string to be used as part of the file name when the randfilename option is specified, the GetUniqueString code in ioperf.c doesn't check to see if the code is built with PARALLEL defined before it checks opts>no_mpi and possibly uses opts>mpi_rank. If the user specified nompi and randfile-name and the code was built without PARALLEL defined, then the "random" string will always just be eight 0's. Modified code with needed #ifdef added: #ifdef PARALLEL if (!opts->no_mpi) { sprintf(retval, "%08d", opts->mpi_rank); return retval; }#endif
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 841 Status: New Project: VisIt Tracker: Bug Priority: Normal Subject: ioperf.c: missing check for PARALLEL in GetUniqueString before opts->no_mpi checked Assigned to: - Category: - Target version: - Author: Ruth Aydt Start: 09/09/2011 Due date: % Done: 0% Estimated time: Created: 09/09/2011 06:08 pm Updated: 08/19/2013 07:08 pm Likelihood: 3 - Occasional Severity: 2 - Minor Irritation Found in version: Impact: Expected Use: OS: All Support Group: Any Description: ioperf: In producing a unique string to be used as part of the file name when the randfilename option is specified, the GetUniqueString code in ioperf.c doesn't check to see if the code is built with PARALLEL defined before it checks opts>no_mpi and possibly uses opts>mpi_rank. If the user specified nompi and randfile-name and the code was built without PARALLEL defined, then the "random" string will always just be eight 0's. Modified code with needed #ifdef added: #ifdef PARALLEL if (!opts->no_mpi) { sprintf(retval, "%08d", opts->mpi_rank); return retval; }#endif