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udata being leaked after DBClose
Recently, I got complaints that there were massive memory leaks in my implementation of load balancing (a pretty understandable complaint), so I am now going back to fix things. I got most of them, but there is one small memory leak in silo that I am not sure about. In valgrind, we see that the memory leak occurs in silo_hdf5.c 4927, in the function db_hdf5_process_file_options. The line is: if (NULL == (udata = (db_hdf5_H5LT_file_image_ud_t *)malloc(sizeof(db_hdf5_H5LT_file_image_ud_t)))). In my ALE3D code, I have astd::vector
-----------------------REDMINE MIGRATION----------------------- This ticket was migrated from Redmine. As such, not all information was able to be captured in the transition. Below is a complete record of the original redmine ticket.
Ticket number: 2872
Status: New
Project: VisIt
Tracker: Bug
Priority: Normal
Subject: udata being leaked after DBClose
Assigned to: -
Category: -
Target version: -
Author: Mark Miller
Start: 07/26/2017
Due date:
% Done: 0%
Estimated time:
Created: 07/26/2017 07:18 pm
Updated: 07/26/2017 07:19 pm
Likelihood: 3 - Occasional
Severity: 2 - Minor Irritation
Found in version: 4.8
Expected Use:
OS: All
Support Group: Any
Recently, I got complaints that there were massive memory leaks in my implementation of load balancing (a pretty understandable complaint), so I am now going back to fix things. I got most of them, but there is one small memory leak in silo that I am not sure about. In valgrind, we see that the memory leak occurs in silo_hdf5.c 4927, in the function db_hdf5_process_file_options. The line is: if (NULL == (udata = (db_hdf5_H5LT_file_image_ud_t *)malloc(sizeof(db_hdf5_H5LT_file_image_ud_t)))). In my ALE3D code, I have astd::vector