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:chart_with_upwards_trend: :bar_chart: Introduces geom_pointdensity(): A Cross Between a Scatter Plot and a 2D Density Plot.

Results 10 ggpointdensity issues
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Would be very cool to be able to set pch=21 and then map the point fill to density. Perhaps this is obvious but not to me. I tried ```r ggplot(mtcars)...

This ``` set.seed(1) tibble( x = runif(1e5,max=10), y = rnorm(1e5, sd=1e-4) ) %>% ggplot(aes(x,y)) + ggpointdensity::geom_pointdensity() ``` results in: Does ggpointdensity compute the neighborhood-radius relative to the dynamic range of...

Sorry if I didn't understand the `adjust` parameter, but if you could help in this issue, I would appreciate a lot. The question is mainly about the bandwidth. What do...

it's a great work,but when I use this package to plot many pictures in one panel ,i want to change the legend's name "n_neighbors" to "density" . and different pictures...

I am wondering if there is a way to re-order the points according to their density/n_neighbors. Often points with high-density are hidden behind points with lower density. Plots would look...

When plotting millions of points, counting the number of neighbors of each point is extremely slow. The current algorithm calculates the pairwise distance for *all* points. This could be optimized,...


Great work on this package! One challenge I often face is that I'll want to export a plot as an SVG for the final version, but each point is rendered...


It seems like with large, skewed datasets the density estimate for a point can be exactly zero. This doesn't make sense to me, since all the points should represent some...

I have made a few changes in my fork that cover my needs and would be happy to prepare issues / PRs for the parts you think are a good...

Currently, `ggpointdensity` fails with an unhelpful error message when a bandwidth estimate is zero. For example: ``` r library(ggplot2) #> Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 4.2.3 library(ggpointdensity)...