Alexander Morozov

Results 20 comments of Alexander Morozov

@thaJeztah Do you have time to try to write (or modify existing) unit-test? Thanks!

@ijc25 Yeah, nested vendoring is really hard :/ Trying to automate it definitely won't work for all users. I'd vote for a separate tool which can read all repos vendored...

@jasdeeppun Hello! Yes, library is actively maintained, but because it's used only in couple particular use-cases within Dropbox we didn't find any bugs to fix so far :) We definitely...

@vishh I'm not sure how we can implement this auto-terminate. Maybe we can have some `list` api for exec? And make `exec` jobs dependent on container, so on container deleting...

@vishh eh, I meant internal `execStore`. Yeah, it is a little different, because I wanted to add method for getting `exitCode` of `exec` job and be sure that this job...

Seems like `docker-proxy` just dying. We probably fixed this in master.

You can find simple pipe-sync trick in man user_namespace. It used for different task, but idea is the same.

@HackToday I think any fork/clone actions is dangerous in Golang because of its runtime. Only safe way is to do fork-exec(exec.Cmd).

@Joey777210 Not sure which error you means. This issue is about using pipes for synchronization.