Kacper Kapusta
Kacper Kapusta
**Describe the bug** This issue was created based on the comment in [#12588](https://github.com/o3de/o3de/issues/12588). The following Shader Asset jobs complete processing with errors: `/o3de/Gems/AtomTressFX/Assets/Shaders/HairRenderingFillPPLL.shader` platform: linux `/o3de/Gems/Atom/Feature/Common/Assets/ShaderLib/Atom/Features/RayTracing/RayTracingSrgs.shader` platform: pc, android, server,...
**Describe the bug** This issue was created based on the comment in [#12588](https://github.com/o3de/o3de/issues/12588). The following Lua Compile jobs complete processing with errors: `/o3de/Gems/Atom/Feature/Common/Assets/Scripts/material_property_overrides_demo.lua` platform: pc, android, server, linux `/o3de/Gems/Atom/Feature/Common/Assets/Scripts/material_find_overrides_demo.lua` platform:...
**Describe the bug** Opening ImGui (~) leads to a silent crash of the Editor for projects with all gems enabled. The issue does not occur for a project using the...
**Describe the bug** This issue should be considered as Blocker. Entering the requested Player Session Token in JSON format inside the MultiplayerSample.GameLauncher connecting to the GameLift (with `--loadlevel="mpsgamelift/prefabs/GameLiftConnectJsonMenu.spawnable"` argument) does...
**Describe the bug** AtomSampleViewer application crashes on Android device upon loading the SkinnedMesh sample after the displayed asserts are ignored. Please refer to the attached video for more information. Please...
**Describe the bug** Upon launching the RHI > CopyQueue sample on Windows using Vulkan RHI it can be observed that the textures switch way faster compared to using dx12 RHI....
**Describe the bug** Pre-built SDK Monolithic Release build of the AtomSampleViewer project fails, resulting in the \bin\Windows\release\Monolithic not being created. The following error can be seen near the middle of...
**Describe the bug** Building AtomSampleViewer.GameLauncher using Xcode fails displaying the following warnings and errors: ``` Object file (/Users/macpro13/.o3de/3rdParty/packages/lz4-1.9.3-vcpkg-rev4-ios/lz4/lz4/lib/liblz4.a(lz4.c.o)) was built for newer iOS version (14.5) than being linked (14.0) Object...
**Describe the bug** Making a change to a file's name or changing its location is not automatically recognized by the Asset Processor. Using "Start Scan" from the Tools tab inside...
**Describe the bug** Typing anything into the search box, available inside the Asset Editor when the DPE flag is enabled, crashes the Editor. Note the crash.log is not generated on...