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bad performance
Hi, after I run the code on Cora based on, I got an accuracy of 85%, which is much lower than 89% as reported in the paper. Can you tell me how can I improve the performance?
@lichaoaaron Hi, Can you give more details about the experimental setups, including the OS, GPU info, versions of torch and pyg, etc. We need more information to check the reason.
Hi, thank you! The information is as follows:
CUDA Version: 10.2
python 3.7.13
pytorch 1.10.0
torch-cluster 1.6.0
torch-scatter 2.0.9
torch_geometric 2.0.4
python --data Cora --fix_last True --epochs 20
python --data Cora --fix_last True --hyper_epoch 50 --arch_filename exp_res/cora.txt
Result: times:0, valid_Acc:89.8523941040039, test_acc:86.29629516601562 times:1, valid_Acc:89.8523941040039, test_acc:86.29629516601562 times:2, valid_Acc:89.8523941040039, test_acc:86.66666412353516 times:3, valid_Acc:90.03689575195312, test_acc:86.29629516601562 times:4, valid_Acc:89.8523941040039, test_acc:86.29629516601562
test_results_5_times:86.3704+-0.1481 finsh tunining 5 archs, saved in tuned_res/Cora_res_20220418-154824_res-20220418-154626-eps0.0-reg0.0005.pkl
@lichaoaaron Got it. We are conducting some experiments to check the robustness of our code. Will let you know asap.
@lichaoaaron Got it. We are conducting some experiments to check the robustness of our code. Will let you know asap.
torch _sparse version