
Results 31 comments of L3tum

Oh cool, I didn't know it already called memoize. Then essentially that's my idea, to make a base class that accepts any cache provider and then specialized classes for some...

That's really cool, but I don't think that this functionality will be integrated (any time soon) into FOSElasticaBundle, particularly because it's not really usable with yaml configuration files. I'm +1...

@jeskew Ah sorry, I think I've derped out there. It's very much possible with what you did and I think it's perfectly inline with what they've done until now. So...

Hey @jcupitt, yeah, we've been puzzling over it for some time as well. The `colourspace` question at the start of the week was in relation to it, cause initially we...

Hmm, it's still weird since both 4000px and 3400px take roughly the same amount of time to do and only the exact same image size takes substantially longer. Plus of...

Okay, it gets even weirder. I've done the following three tests: 1. - Given the source image - Convert it to 4000x2250 PNG named 'resized' - Convert 'resized' to 4000x2250...

Yes, but it's hard to find and I honestly can't figure out how to make it work. I've arrived through trial-and-error at this command `.\aomenc.exe --passes=1 --width=3840 --height=2160 --codec=av1 -o...

It also still seems to complain about just everything > ./best_encode.sh /mnt/a/Bilder/source.png 200 Fatal: Specify stream dimensions with --width (-w) and --height (-h) Fatal: Specify stream dimensions with --width (-w)...

It also seems to perform almost directly proportional to destination image size, since running the command ` ./cavif --vertical-scale-mode 1/2 --horizontal-scale-mode 1/2 -- cpu-used 2 --encoder-usage realtime -i /mnt/a/Bilder/source.png -o...

Setting bitdepth to 16 in libvips also results in an empty image, interestingly. And setting it to anything other than 8 crashes vipsthumbnail hard. Not setting it at all (with...