LuaSnip copied to clipboard
snippet is added at the end of char instead of replace it. #169
When I type so
and Enter
Expected: System.out.println();
But got: soSystem.out.println();
(my setup:
Mhmm could you show the source of that snippet? Or is it provided by lsp?
According :LspInfo
Client: jdtls (id: 2, bufnr: [4]) filetypes: java autostart: true root directory: /Users/natesbiglaptop/IdeaProjects/JavaLeetcode/my-app cmd: jdtls -configuration /Users/natesbiglaptop/.cache/jdtls/config -data /Users/natesbiglaptop/.cache/jdtls/workspace
1 active client(s) not attached to this buffer:
can you replace
expand = function(args)
require 'luasnip'.lsp_expand(args.body)
expand = function(args)
require 'luasnip'.lsp_expand(args.body)
and trigger the issue to see what snippet is coming from jdtls
? If I remember correctly there was another issue with that lsp server before.
I just did that. and i rodo the situation but there is nothing triggered (printed)?
Could you make a recording of you triggering the bug?
Could it be that jdtls is not marking the completion as a snippet?
Mhmm may be it, against that would speak that the text triggering the completion would also be removed for regular completions
here is the video.
Doesn't tell me as much as I'd hoped :sweat_smile: Srry, I can't tell at all what's going wrong :/