i like to route different tabs of sound to different output and input with virtual cable. Has this been fix? Is there a step I can take to fix this?
It's so hard to find good reading material... E-S4L N-S4L J-S4L > On Oct 4, 2014, at 5:14 PM, "lzantal" [email protected] wrote: > > There is one on amazon.com just...
I was meaning to speak on changing that little saying since you have WHATWG's links also. Maybe: JavaScriputer, the bridge between W3C, WHATWG, and ECMAScript. I feel letting them know...
I don't have this on my local computer, this is all via Github. The help section suspect that I have prior knowledge on certain things.
Hey, hope all is well. I think that a site that provide great info even if that site is directing the user to another site: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/drafts/html/master/infrastructure.html#transferable-objects https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Worker/postMessage https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/workers.html Is a...
Yes. I have to go over that, I seen it before but gave no though to it. This could be use to get that group interested in this project.
Yes! I read over the readme of it. It was well informing. I think jsture(JavaScripture) should have it's own documentation reference folder that'll give a overview of the area in...
I like the intro. Thought it was web animation, but did not see it in the list. I'm still a novice though.
Hey, how you been? Do you mind sending me another email, I flag it but my phone does not keep records of that when new email is downloaded. I'll like...
Don't look at this, this is just to put pressure on me to work on it more: Truthfully, this is more of a challenge then I though it was going...