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Configuration mapping from webpack to rspack
Configuration mapping from webpack to rspack
Webpack is an outstanding project that has been developed over many years and supports the building of thousands of web applications.
Rspack is a new project that is dedicated to faster web application builds while also being compatible with the webpack ecosystem.
This is not an official documentation and accuracy is not guaranteed. Only intended for developers as a reference. The rspack team may provide official documentation.
Based on webpack 5.
✅: support
❌: not support
⚠️: partially support
string ✅
string[] ✅
EntryObject ⚠️
- import: EntryItem; ✅
- runtime?: string | false; ✅
- others ❌
Function ❌
- (() => string | EntryObject | string[] | Promise<EntryStatic>) ❌
Context ✅
Mode ✅
Output.assetModuleFilename ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.filename ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.chunkFilename ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.cssFilename ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.cssChunkFilename ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.path ✅
- string
Output.publicPath ⚠️
- string ✅
- ((pathData: PathData, assetInfo?: AssetInfo) => string) ❌
Output.strictModuleErrorHandling ✅
- boolean
Output.[...others] ❌
Template strings ⚠️
Compilation-level ⚠️
- [fullhash] ✅
- [hash] ❌
Chunk-level ✅
- [id] ✅
- [name] ✅
- [chunkhash] ✅
- [contenthash] ✅
Module-level ⚠️
- [id] ✅
- [moduleid] ❌
- [hash] ✅
- [modulehash] ❌
- [contenthash] ✅
File-level ⚠️
- [file] ❌
- [query] ✅
- [fragment] ❌
- [base] ❌
- [filebase] ❌
- [path] ✅
- [name] ✅
- [ext] ✅
URL-level ❌
- [url] ❌
Module.generator ❌
Module.parser ⚠️
Rule Condition ⚠️
- string ✅
- RegExp ✅
- function ❌
Rule.exclude ✅
Rule.include ✅
Rule.loaders ✅
Prefer to Rule.use
Rule.parse ✅
- dataUrlCondition ✅
Rule.generator ⚠️
- filename ✅
- dataUrl ❌
- emit ❌
- publicPath ❌
- outputPath ❌
Rule.resource ✅
Rule.resourceQuery ✅
Rule.sideEffects ✅
Rule.test ✅
Rule.type ⚠️
- asset/resource ✅
- asset/inline ✅
- asset/source ✅
- asset ✅
Other types supported by Rspack:
- javascript/auto
- typescript
- css
- css/module
- json
Rule.use ⚠️
- useEntry ✅
- function ❌
Rule.resolve ⚠️
Rule.[...others] ❌
Resolve.alias ✅
Resolve.aliasField ⚠️
The types of this configuration are different:
- webpack:
- Rspack:
Resolve.conditionNames ✅
Resolve.extensions ⚠️
Default value are diffrent:
- webpack:
['.js', '.json', '.wasm']
- rspack:
['.tsx', '.jsx', '.ts', '.js', '.json', '.d.ts']
Resolve.fallback ✅
Resolve.mainFields ✅
Resolve.mainFiles ✅
Resolve.modules ✅
Resolve.preferRelative ✅
Resolve.[...Others] ❌
Optimization.moduleIds ⚠️
- natural ❌
- named ✅
- deterministic ✅
- size ❌
Optimization.minimize ✅
Optimization.minimizer ⚠️ ???
- plugins[] ✅
- function ❌
Optimization.removeAvailableModules ⚠️
Default value are different:
- webpack: only
in production mode - rspack: always
Optimization.removeEmptyChunks ✅
Optimization.runtimeChunk ⚠️
- object ❌
- string ❌
- boolean ✅
Optimization.sideEffects ✅
Optimization.splitChunks ⚠️
This is truly amazing, their default configurations are completely identical.
splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter ✅
splitChunks.chunks ✅
splitChunks.maxAsyncRequests ✅
splitChunks.maxInitialRequests ✅
splitChunks.defaultSizeTypes ✅
splitChunks.minChunks ✅
splitChunks.minSize ⚠️
- number ✅
- object ❌
splitChunks.minSizeReduction ⚠️
- number ✅
- object ❌
splitChunks.enforceSizeThreshold ✅
splitChunks.minRemainingSize ✅
splitChunks.layer ❌
splitChunks.maxSize ✅
splitChunks.maxAsyncSize ✅
splitChunks.maxInitialSize ✅
splitChunks.name ✅
splitChunks.usedExports ❌
splitChunks.cacheGroups ⚠️
- Some plugins can be replaced by built-in features, refer to this list.
- Custom plugin apis : https://www.rspack.dev/api/plugin-api.html
DefinePlugin ✅
use builtins.define
use resolve.tsConfigPath
module.exports = {
resolve: {
tsConfigPath: true,
- https://www.rspack.dev/guide/loader-compat.html
DevServer ⚠️
// todo
Cache ❌
rspack only supports setting to boolean values.
Devtool ✅
Target ⚠️
- async-node[[X].Y] ❌
- electron[[X].Y]-main ❌
- electron[[X].Y]-renderer ❌
- electron[[X].Y]-preload ❌
- node[[X].Y] ⚠️
- node-webkit[[X].Y] ❌
- nwjs[[X].Y] ❌
- web ✅
- webworker ⚠️
- Rename to
- Rename to
- esX ✅
- browserslist ✅
Watch and WatchOptions ❌
Externals ⚠️
- string ❌
- object ✅
- function ❌
- RegExp ❌
- [] ❌
Performance ❌
Node ❌
use resolve.fallback
Stats ⚠️
// todo
Experiments ❌
Although both have the experiments
configuration option, the experimental features of webpack and rspack are completely different, so do not configure webpack's experimental features in rspack.