Artificial-Intelligence-Assignments copied to clipboard
A-List of all the Assignment done in Artificial Intelligence Course @IIIT-D
- Solved N-Puzzle problem for (N=8, 15, 24..) using:-
- Breadth First Search Algorithm
- Depth First Search Algorithm
- A* Algorithm
- Iterative Deepening A* Algorithm (IDA*)
- Solved NxN Search based problem usign above mentioned algorithms such that no two-neighbours can have same color.
- Created an AI of Tic-Tac-Toe using Minimax and Alpha Beta Pruning Algorithm.
- Time Table Scheduling using Genitic, Memetic and Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) Algorithm.
- Implemented Ant Colony Optimization Technique for Travelling Salesman Problem on a random Graph.
- Reinforcement Learning Trained an AI agent using Q-Learning Approach for a static environment.
- Reinforcement Learning Trained an AI agent using State-Action-Reward-State-Action(SARSA) Approach for a static environment.