Hitomi-Downloader copied to clipboard
Please add hitomi downloader to linux
It would mean a lot to me if u can make hitomi downloader for linux. Because linux doesn't have good download manager like this. So making hitomi downloader for linux and windows would mean a lot to me. :)
Yes 🫡
for what it's worth it does work in wine from what I can tell, although yeah, it'd definitely be worth making a native version, relying on Wine makes it a definitely sub-par experience. (for instance you have to use the wine emulated file explorer thing and it's generally just more jank)
One thing I noticed when looking into this is that this project isn't actually licensed as far as I can tell. There isn't any license file I can find, which may explain why there don't appear to have been any linux-compatibility forks or PRs. Based on the general way the project appears to be operating I'd guess either a permissive (ex : MIT, Apache, etc.) or copyleft (GPL) license would be what's intended, but without an explicit license people are much less likely to make forks or repackage it since there is always a risk that they could be sued for doing so. Even if a linux port/repackage is possible, without a license saying people are allowed to use it on their own it's legally risky to do so.
This is by far the most polished download manager I've been able to find and both linux compatibility and proper licensing (especially proper licensing) would both be great. The armchair/backseat-dev in me thinks it should be possible given there appears to be a working MacOS port (https://github.com/tenebo/Hitomi-Downloader-Mac) but I can't say for certain. With that said, I do think it's pretty likely that if it were officially licensed as open source it wouldn't be long before someone talented and dedicated enough forked and ported it.
edit : I took a brief look and it looks like it's written in python so it actually should be super easy to port it since most python libraries are completely OS agnostic.
edit 2 : maybe not? I took an even closer look and all I can find in the repository are the downloaders, but there doesn't appear to be any build-tools/scripts, (i.e. the tools to take the .py files and turn them into an executable) I can't find any of the assets for the downloader, and I can't find any of the logic for the downloader either. I checked the patreon and couldn't find any patreon specific releases or information about the downloader and it seems to be entirely free with no paid version or anything, so I don't know. It's managed like an open source project, but I can't actually find any source code or build steps for the downloader GUI itself. It seems weird to keep the downloader proprietary and hide the source code for an exclusively free project, but from what I can tell that's the current state of it. Really strange situation to be honest, I have no idea what's going on with this application and I can't find any clear information that helps explain it. @KurtBestor even runs the official yt-dlp from what I can tell, which is licensed under the unlicense which seems to be the most permissive of the permissive licenses, so it'd be extremely strange to have one extremely FOSS/OSS project and another that's inexplicably closed source. I feel like I must be missing something about how this is packaged but I can't find it if I am.
edit 3 : okay, so I don't speak Japanese but I looked through some of the Japanese posts and was able to find what I think is going on. So it's not proprietary or closed source, at least not in the traditional sense, but the code isn't 'public'. I found #1640 which links to #46 where he says that basically the GUI code is unorganized so it's not public. Additionally in #2226 it's mentioned that, apparently, it's built with pyinstaller which can be extracted to get the raw source code. In #2226 it's also mentioned that it replies on a GPL component and thus must be GPL (or GPL compliant) as well, but I ain't a lawyer so I can't verify that, nor can I verify if distributing it in an (apparently) extractable format technically abides by the GPL if so. I'm not making any allegations here, from what I can tell this whole mess isn't done in malice or anything and frankly I tend to prefer permissive over copy-left licenses anyway, but I mentioned the licensing earlier and it is relevant so it seemed like it ought to be mentioned. If anyone does speak japanese then #2728 seems to have more information in this judging by the links, but I can't verify that. (and I really don't trust online translators for technical stuff like this) Now, pulling this all the way back to the original issue, the original GUI code does, as far as I can tell, appear to be written in python. (I have not yet used pyinstaller extractor to check, but that seems to be the case from what I can tell so far) If that is the case then, as mentioned previously, porting should be extremely easy. Python is natively pretty OS-agnostic, so it should (hopefully) be trivial to maintain a linux port. There is always the chance that I'm wrong here, but from what I can tell it shouldn't be hard. With that said, I really do wish that the GUI code was just in it's own repo with the build-steps being public because having to extract it and then recompile it with pyinstaller just seems needlessly convoluted. Additionally if people do want to make changes/improvements/forks having to deal with extraction and recompilation puts a major hinderance on that process. Eitherway, the question was about linux compatibility and, I think, Linux compatibility should be relatively trivial since it appears as though it's python all the way down and (allegedly) you can extract all of the source code via an extractor tool. Sometime in the next week I may even take a swing at extracting it and trying to port it myself, but no promises. (and even if I do manage to get it running I have no idea how to package something on linux since I've never done it before) I don't actually know if Hitomi should be GPL or not, so until I can be more confident in that I probably won't maintain a public repo for it either, but I'll at least update this issue when/if I'm able to get it extracted and running on Linux. If it turns out that it should be GPL (or it just gets licensed openly irrelevant of that) then, assuming the code is not attached to this git repo or made available first-party, I'll post any progress I've made, but frankly this is such a mess I'm not confident about much of anything here so don't want to take any risks without more confidence.
First and foremost, this project is open source. The license can be found at Help - About - License
However, some of the source code is not in this repo, and it would be easier for site administrators to see the source code and respond quickly if everything was publicly available.
Instead, the source code is available if you DM me on the Discord server, which you can access from the bottom right corner of the program.
I've recently been trying to build a version for Linux on WSL, so stay tuned!
Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview
Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview
Wow! Thank you so much! I downloaded [hitomi_downloader_GUI_test_linux.zip 187 MB]
It works well. My system is:
,met$$$$$gg. jd@JDietPC
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. ----------
,g$$P" """Y$$.". OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) x86_64
,$$P' $$$. Host: Z170X-Gaming 7 ',$$P ,ggs.
$$b: Kernel: 6.1.0-18-amd64
d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Uptime: 11 mins $$P d$' , $$P Packages: 1415 (dpkg) $$: $$. - ,d$$' Shell: bash 5.2.15 $$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Resolution: 1920x1080, 1920x1080 Y$$.
."Y$$$$P"' DE: Xfce 4.18
$$b "-._ WM: Xfwm4
Y$$ WM Theme: dracula-gtk-master
Y$$. Theme: dracula-gtk-master [GTK2/3]
$$b. Icons: Flat-Remix-Black-Dark [GTK2/3]
Y$$b. Terminal: xfce4-terminal
"Y$b._ Terminal Font: FiraCode Nerd Font Mono weight
""" CPU: Intel i7-7700K (8) @ 4.500GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
Memory: 4154MiB / 64260MiB
I downloaded a youtube video and it got done just fine.
The Open Folder Button [in task view hover, right click on item and also show in browser item] doesn't launch thunar explorer to show the folder. Not a big issue just wanted to give a heads up! Maybe its my local issue but if anyone finds out do let me know!
Thank you once again @KurtBestor Thank you for making it available on Linux!
Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview
Try this: https://github.com/KurtBestor/Hitomi-Downloader/releases/tag/Technical-Preview
so that seems to be fixed now! will check other things in more detail today. Thank you!!